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Feb 27, 2022 at 7:17 PM
Dec 1, 2007
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No u Aug 21, 2019

Insane54 was last seen:
Feb 27, 2022
    1. Null Parameter
      Null Parameter
      Hey, I'm just working with what was given to me, by somebody else who was there. I didn't cut anything specifically to make you look bad. That was the exact image given to me.

      I apologize if your response was to something else, but based on what is seen there, it fit into the conversation, so you can't really blame me.
    2. Miraj
      Cool, can't wait to see you progress.
    3. Miraj
      I just noticed your signature album, and couldn't hesitate to ask you why you have discontinued making signatures. I am just curious..
    4. RightSideTheory
      "If you have time, we have a feature that was supposed to go out on Friday. Need someone to do a writeup and post it."

      I'll do it ;3

    5. Eyeless Sid
      Eyeless Sid
      True I see your point . I'll specify more clearly in my future posts , Didn't think it was coming out that opinionated. Like I know fact wise that groups need a purpose and something to follow if they want to last But how I presented it wasn't the best way to say that i suppose.
    6. Eyeless Sid
      Eyeless Sid
      If you feel as if im being offensive I appalogize im pointing out what I see. I just see religion as a power game thats used as a control for society.
    7. LIGHTSOUT225
      dude ive been out of commission in terms of having free time to dedicate for writing articles for a couple weeks, and will still be for some time to come til surgery comes and goes.
    8. RightSideTheory
      You're the coolest staff member ever lmao.

      Party in the USA bro, o/
    9. CaMOfo
      Wow, nevermind. It worked on this computer. Sorry for wasting your time.
    10. CaMOfo
      For some reason the background won't stay transparent. :/
    11. CaMOfo
      Can you make this picture my avatar? Please and thank you. :]

    12. RightSideTheory
      This guy is a proxy of this guy.


      Proof part deux
    13. Kidbomber
    14. Playerhata27
      Alright man, well thanks a whole lot. If it wasn't for you, and entire 100 bucks would be gone from my Christmas, but luckily it isn't. So thanks again.
    15. Playerhata27
      Well, I've officially decided on the Ax Pro. Now, I'm going to Best Buy this week, and I just want to know if there was any additional thing I needed to buy like the Astros sold the extra Optical Cable for 'better' sound. Do AX Pros come with everything you need in the box, or is there more?
    16. Playerhata27
      Well I guess I'm going to have to go with the Trittons for now. It's not like I'll be turning MLG pro overnight using the A40s, but if I do start getting good I'll buy a pair of A40s.

      Anyway, thanks a bunch Insane, you've really helped me out. I owe you one.
    17. Playerhata27
      Oh then thanks, I wasn't aware of that.

      Now I feel like getting Trittons, for I don't see any major events in the near future for me. Though, I imagine the quality is better then no headset at all, so like you said it's not that big of a deal. Astros do have some characteristics that I really like, but Trittons seem more fit for me.

      This is the last question, as you've already done enough for me, but being the sound quality isn't up to the stature of the A40s, is it clearer then the default Xbox Microphone, and finally what do you suggest from personal experience if this were you, A40s and Trittons.

      Promise that's the last one, lol, I just always have to double check things.
    18. Playerhata27
      Alright, so initially you're saying a Tritton would be better for 'sound whoring' over the A40 w/ mix amp? I keep imagining that since the A40s are priced so high and praised they have some mystical magical sound quality. Are Trittons sound quality overall better, or say would you hear at a better distance from the A40s?

      Sorry for asking so many questions, I can never be sure of something.
    19. Playerhata27
      Sorry for getting off last night, I was so drowsy.

      Anyway, I'm leaning with the A40s. Though now, my Mom is kind of really taking in the price, along with additional 20$ for the Optical. I don't know what I'm going to do. Maybe Trittons are better for me, but I'm really thinking about getting in GB/MLG so Astros would be a better choice. But I should first see how I like it. Uggg.

      What would you truly suggest in my case. I'm mostly a MW2/Halo 3 gamer now and I'm pretty good. What headset is my best option.

      Thanks for helping me dude.
    20. ShaddoBlade
      You have way too much patience... I guess that's why you're the PR Dude, huh?
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