Dec 2, 2007
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Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf

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In Loving Memory, from Los Angeles

Senior Member
    1. Cryptokid
      Lol didn't want to get a potential infract for trying to give out an infract :p
    2. The Bloody Beetroots
      The Bloody Beetroots
      I know, it was my first ever attempt at filming an non-prerecorded film.
    3. Pegasi
      In both senses I'm talking about proper competitive play, if I get in to MW2 I'll be looking to join the team that never materialised on Halo. Even then, individual decision making over just getting out BR'd will be a fresh change of focus, even if I can't see myself moving more towards that than Halo.

      As for Halo, not even close to true imo. But again I'm talking competitive, in TS etc. playlists you're largely right, but people mistake the lack of standard human paced strategy for a complete lack of strategy in Halo. It's by its very nature faster, and so much more complex in its own way, but much less developed in others that CoD may well have over it.
    4. Pegasi
      Yeah I know lol. Tbh the strategy and thought aspect appeals to me, I think it my stronger quality in Halo, and it'll be nice to have it hindered less by insane levels of skill differential.

      Then again, I feel that my tendeny towards strategy and decision making is something I have up on many in Halo, and can't help feeling that if only I can refine it and raise my individual skill high enough then I'll be a really good team member.
    5. Pegasi
      Sounds fair, I've seen some ridiculously open stuff when watching Stefan playing, but tbh I've yet to play more than a few minutes so not enough to form a proper opinion of it. Though I do want to do so, think I'm gonna get it for christmas.
    6. Pegasi
      Yeah that does suck too. I've heard a lot of complaints about maps a large on MW2, I bet some great custom content could be produces if there were the means to do so. Maybe these flaws are the price of games coming out in such quick succession.
    7. Pegasi
      As is the general point of my rantings on the MLG forums about this: normally I agree with the priorities argument. It's fair enough. But, tbh, this is hardly an onerous task. Like I say, even without thinking of MLG it still just makes sense, I mean why the hell not have a pregame lobby on LAN? They way well think it's not necessary, but why force that conclusion on the players? Why not give them the choice and add in a function which is already present online thus can't be difficult to implement? It genuinely seems like they're going out of their way to stop it if anything.

      Yeah, it was a great leap forward by Bungie on that count. I guess it's still too early to expect it to catch on in any notable degree, but it still seems like a missed opportunity in nailing further pros to an already popular game which has the only real shot of rivalling Halo in console FPS.
    8. Pegasi
      I think MLG are talking to them about it, and you're right that it's an easy fix. But, if anything, that only makes me wonder further why it wasn't fixed before release. MLG had been talking to them about the same issue with CoD 4 the whole time, and the fact that they not only failed to fix it in that, but didn't do so with MW2 depite the issues already being made clear during CoD 4, leads me to doubt whether they really care at all.

      Lol, I think I'm gonna get like that with streaming. As soon as I have a net connection that can support it I'm gonna stream pretty much whenever I play, though as you say Halo still has good ol' Theatre to catch stuff that I miss with that. Another massive facepalm on the part of IW, although a much more forgivable one than the above.
    9. The Bloody Beetroots
      The Bloody Beetroots
      Also, watch this please. its mmy map I am posting tommorow.
      YouTube- Asset: Slips Alley
    10. The Bloody Beetroots
      The Bloody Beetroots
      it was something useless for youtube videos. It was wierd. I never saw it on any other program.
    11. The Bloody Beetroots
      The Bloody Beetroots
      Hey Sarge. I fixed another Orphans problem, he is okay now. All I did was control his screen via crossloop, then uncheck one box in render mode. It dropped from 4.5 gigs to 18 megabytes
    12. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Nice... X-Ray is it?
    13. Pegasi
      I know, it's madness imo, although nothing close to the stupidity which inspired them to leave out pre-game lobbies on LAN. Put in a slight addition which, by simple rights of logic, should have been there anyway, and as a bi-product enable the game to be used on the MLG LAN circuit? Apparently this idea was disagreeable to IW, baffles me.

      But yeah, I was watching Stefan play the other day and he got a sweeeeeet double, we lamented the lack of theatre mode.
    14. RightSideTheory
      You can be very obtuse when you want to be.
    15. RightSideTheory
      Dow does not have the ability to change is avatar.

      Though I can't fault you on the fad, or really the idiot part either.
    16. RightSideTheory
      You're just being difficult because it's Dow?
    17. RightSideTheory
      "because his computer broke"

      Come on sarge, it's Christmas.
    18. RightSideTheory
      Dow can't change his avatar, or Copy/paste it to you to ask you to do it. He's on his Iphone because his computer broke so he asked me to ask for him.



      Sorry for the trouble.
    19. Cryptokid
      Just sent this to the first mod I saw, srry I reported a post that was already warned. I think it was cuz I had a bunch of missing images on the page so the warn pic didn't show up. Good day sir! :D
    20. Pegasi
      The idea of streaming and capping together was appealing to me as well, saves using the record function which doesn't work with QTB anyway, and having a hard copy of past streams is kinda a must, preferably higher quality than the stream itself was.

      But, on working through just the streaming process, I've established that my comp is having a hard enough time handling that alone, capping at the same time would just kill it.
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    Los Angeles
    Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf
    Watching tons of movies, writing, listening to R&B/Motown/Classic Rock


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    12:01 am PacMonster1: Thought this was going to be one of those never ending conversations where you act all haughty and ****