Tyler Lyons
Last Activity:
Nov 24, 2012 at 7:26 PM
Dec 9, 2009
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Tyler Lyons


Tyler Lyons was last seen:
Nov 24, 2012
    1. Beefi
      well I have a full friends list but send me a message on xbl and we can sort out times so you can show me :) ohh and remember to reply to my vm on my profile page or chances are I wont respond :D
    2. Tyler Lyons
      Tyler Lyons
      thanks man. you should add my gt and ill show u some maps really quickly i want lying
    3. Beefi
      hey mate, i thought i would give you some advice about the forums. i wouldn't make statements saying you're a pro forger because you've made 250 unfinished maps most people here will respond negatively and will instantly think the upposite of you being a good forger. Pics are more or less everything here and people wont respond positively if you don't post some. Just thought I'd let you know before someone aggresive came along.
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    Tyier Lyons