A Toxic Hobo
Sep 2, 2009
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R.I.C.E. -- Respected Incendiary Chemical Engineer

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A Toxic Hobo


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    1. A Toxic Hobo
      A Toxic Hobo
      Mombasa Ruins - Forge Hub Map Database
      Cryostasis - Forge Hub Map Database
      Teh Zoo - Forge Hub Map Database
      Temple of Fire - Forge Hub Map Database
    2. A Toxic Hobo
      A Toxic Hobo
      ..............CONTINUED (from below post)
      Your damage resistance is low, enough to get quick kills and die from one sniper shot to the body.
      Some people could spawn with or near rockets as an RPG
      No killstreaks, but killing sprees will earn extra points for your team. (slayer setting only)
      Game can be normal team deathmatch or territories (will have to drop VIP idea) on a fun map that everyone loves (crash?)[helicopter map]
    3. A Toxic Hobo
      A Toxic Hobo
      Map Idea: Call of Duty --(VIP?) one team has the JUGGERNAUT perk and the other team has STOPPING POWER. Each team's VIP has another unique perk that is better than both.
      People spawn with a magnum. They will spawn in a room where they have about 2 seconds to choose a weapon as their primary before being unwillingly 'departed' to the battlefield. People who cannot pick up a gun within the time given will be the generic noobs of the game. People who are fast enough to grab two primary weapons while spawining will have the OVERKILL perk.
      You will have shields that recharge, representing your stamina/hp that is temporarily lost when you are hurt in Call of Duty.
      ............CONTINUES --------> (above post)
    4. A Toxic Hobo
      A Toxic Hobo
      Map Idea: Halo: CE Capmaign -- (Juggernaut) The juggernaut is the Master Chief. Everyone else is the flood. You must fight your way pas them to the chamber of (???) which will make you victorious.
      The round ends when the Master Chief is killed.
      Everyone spawns with ONE random weapons, and there is no weapon pickup for the flood; only the Master Chief can pick up guns.
      Flood damage and health is significantly lower than average, allowing the chief to easily kill many of them without being overwhelmed, but not too many.
      Chief damage and health is significantly higher than normal to give him a fighting chance against a horde of enemies. He will also spawn with basic overshields.
      10 Rounds - 1-2 minutes per round - new round when chief dies
    5. A Toxic Hobo
      A Toxic Hobo
      Map Idea: Right 2 Live -- Parody of Left 4 Dead. You are a zombie in a world where they are outcast from society and forced to live a life facing prejudice and misunderstanding. You have taken abuse for the past several years, and your rage has reached its boiling point. Wreak havoc upon the residents of CityTown and convert them to zombism. Your health is 4x overshields (does not recharge), but you can regain health by taking the life from your victims and adding it to yours; you may also regain health (shields) by consuming blood packs (overshields) and blood plasma (custom powerups). Your zombie minions are simple, mindless creatures who lack the life-draining power you possess, but they are useful when it comes to converting others to your cause.
    6. A Toxic Hobo
      A Toxic Hobo
      IDEAS: These are a few ideas that I have come up with which I should write down before I forget. Hopefully they will be used in future maps and gametypes. To anyone reading this and the list of ideas, please feel free to STEAL them and utilize them for your own wicked, greedy purposes. Thank you and have a nice day.
      ideas will be posted in the next post.
    7. A Toxic Hobo
      A Toxic Hobo
      There are a few that I forgot (about 5-10) because the computer died, but anyways, the first of these new submissions will probably be my MOMBASA RUINS map, for use with the FIREFIGHT gametype (odst simulation) or CRYOSTASIS, a small SLAYER map that is also great with TEAM DOUBLES.
    8. A Toxic Hobo
      A Toxic Hobo
      [F] Killhouse - (Slaughter) - PR 5/5 - GR 5/5
      Colosseum - (Slayer) - PR 4/5 - GR 4/5
      The Space Race - (Racetracks) - PR 4/5 - GR 4/5
      Sacred Pond - (Fishing) - PR 4/5 - GR 3/5
      Halo Castlewars - (Conquest) - PR 5/5 - GR 4/5
      Rapture - (Bioshock) - PR 4/5 - GR 3/5
      Halfpipe - (Skate) - PR 3/5 - GR 3/5
      [F] Zombie Verruckt - (Naut-Z Zombies) - PR 5/5 - GR 4/5
      Trench Warfare - (Team Slayer-Assault-CTF) - PR 5/5 - GR 5/5
      (already posted) Teh Zoo - (Animal Attack) - PR 5/5 - GR 5/5
      (already posted) Temple of Fire - (edited gametype-Indiana Jones) - PR 5/5 - GR 4/5
    9. A Toxic Hobo
      A Toxic Hobo
      Maps (and Gametypes) I have made [oldest to newest]

      [F] Hotel Babba - (Affliction) - PR 3/5 - GR 2/5
      [F] Chicken Coop - (Infected Gauss) - PR 4/5 - GR 4/5
      [F] Rush Hour - (no gametype) - PR - 3/5 - GR 3/5
      [F] (edited map) Wack a Mole - (Moles!!) - PR 4/5 - GR 3/5
      [F] Riot Control - (The Mob) - PR 3/5 -GR 3/5
      [F] Babba's Mansion - (Affliction) - PR 3/5 - GR 3/5
      [F] Concert - (Assault-custom gametype) - PR 4/5 - GR 4/5
      [F] (edited map) Escape From Juve - (Cups and Rubbers) - PR 4/5 - GR 4/5
    10. A Toxic Hobo
      A Toxic Hobo
      I HAVE A PLAN!
      For anyone who cares, I will attempt to post and share every half-decent Halo 3 custom game pair (map and gametype) that I have ever created to the ForgeHub website and community. I may not be able to do this very soon, but I will try to work on it throughout the next few week/months/etc...

      From what I have memorized in my head, here are the maps (and gametypes) I will be posting. I might also make a section for the maps that I have not made, but edited. I will also put my personal rating (PR), as well as the general rating (GR) I have recieved from those who have played on that map. (F) maps are Foundry and (S) maps are Sandbox.
    11. A Toxic Hobo
      A Toxic Hobo
      I might be putting up my Minesweeper map or Abyss map soon.
    12. A Toxic Hobo
      A Toxic Hobo
      I put the Temple of Fire map up...
    13. A Toxic Hobo
      A Toxic Hobo
      The pictures for Temple of Fire are coming along. Hopefully I'll have it on forgehub when I get time this weekend...
    14. A Toxic Hobo
      A Toxic Hobo
      I will be posting my *Minesweeper* map and my version of many popes' Crypt of Doom map, *Temple of Fire*
    15. A Toxic Hobo
      A Toxic Hobo
      LOLOLOL I finished making a zoo!!! I will post it soon for anyone who cares
    16. A Toxic Hobo
      A Toxic Hobo
      I forge maps.
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  • About

    R.I.C.E. -- Respected Incendiary Chemical Engineer
    A Toxic Hobo
    I forge maps.
    ˙sdɐɯ ǝƃɹoɟ ı
    I forge maps.
    ˙ǝnɹʇ s,ʇı
    I do.

    I have made a lot of maps. I know many things about forge, so if you have any questions, I might be able to help you.



    a lard family...
    Unecudate yrouslef