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Dec 13, 2012 at 10:18 PM
Jun 16, 2008
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June 5
Washington University in St. Louis
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Ancient, from Washington University in St. Louis

Senior Member
RaVNzCRoFT was last seen:
Dec 13, 2012
    1. PoisonMyst
      Wow that panic room map is sure shitty, who plays Halo anyway! Douchbags thats who ;)
    2. Black Theorem
      Black Theorem
      Ravenz, Insane allowed it, he even wrote up the info about FH under the controller. It's in the shoutbox.

      It even says Insane allowed this at the bottom of the post.

      Thanks for reporting tho :D
    3. Miraj
      I remember you and your emblem generator.
      I probably didn't notice you being active again, since I was on a vacation...
    4. Mace
      Ohhh the irony.
    5. Mace
      Srs, this isn't like your ****ing peashooter, THIS IS MAH LITTLE FRIEND. nao, go!
    6. Mace
      A) Sick of you
      B) I win toooo much
    7. Mace
      Get of my waaaaaaaaaall ghhgg
      *raises gun*
    8. Miraj
      you are back?!?!!!
    9. Agamer
      Hey next time when you see spam, simply report it.
    10. Mace
      Since when does having an opinion allegate being immature?
    11. Mace
      Ha, the irony. You see, leaving that message has shown us all how more immature you are then I am.
    12. Rho Fs
      Rho Fs
      I didn't forget parentases...sheesh. it just didn't seem like a big deal at the time. cya
    13. Rho Fs
      Rho Fs
      alright. well my laptop is like dead. ima go. thanks for the (slightly annoying) intelectual conversation. Not bad ravnzcroft...not bad. haha. peace
    14. Rho Fs
      Rho Fs
      Meaning i assumed that he knew a little bit more then he apparently did.
    15. Rho Fs
      Rho Fs
      again. all assumptions.
    16. Rho Fs
      Rho Fs
      Parentheses WERE necessary for my example. I said that " If I tell you the answer is 1+2/3, how would you know whether I mean 1 + (2/3) = (5/3) or (1 + 2) / 3 = 1 ?"
      if parenthases weren't given in your original equation...then there is no need to assume any are needed. when given 1+2/3 i do order of operations. If you gave me the same problem with parenthases differently, i would solve it accordingly.
    17. Rho Fs
      Rho Fs
      I understand that math is precise and parenthases are important. but not if i need a reminder on a vague topic that i have learned a little about.
    18. Rho Fs
      Rho Fs
      again, i assumed that he has (at the very least) a very basic understanding of algebra and graphing. I was Refreshing his memory on the topic. not teaching him from scratch. I was not offering a new concept that could be easily mistaken. Merely giving the equation really quick so he could do the problems. If he doesn't understand that equation in its most basic terms. then he shouldn't have been in the class anyways.
    19. Rho Fs
      Rho Fs
      NO NO NO... my apologies. I meant that parenthases were unneccesary for your example. I understnad that order of operations applies to everything. Just it is neccesary for bigger equations to have parenthases. your example was fine without them. they would help. and would probably be put there on an exam...but there not totally neccesary (FOR YOUR EXAMPLE)
    20. Rho Fs
      Rho Fs
      oh... and so your saying mine is wrong just because of the parenthases then. so laziness?
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    June 5
    Washington University in St. Louis
    Graphics designer
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    ~ The Panic Room ~

    Feel free to PM me for graphics design help.