You'll definitly half to see in game then. And I actually found some of your work to be quite messy...actually I re-did almost all of the wall because I wasn't satisfied. But if you want to start testing it while I finish up AlphaSite that'd be fine. As long as I get an invite to tests as well.
So AlphaSite is in it's final stages of testing. I'm going to put Octo-Ocho aside until AlphaSite is 100% completed and posted. It should only be another 2 or 3 weeks, at which time I'll finish up wih the spawns and start getting some testing in on Octo-Ocho. Kay?
I was thinking about it... I might get back on FH more. Just kind of been busy with other things lately.
Dude if you phrase it properly for people to understand it could work out well and yours truly can fix and edit **** in your thread if it does happen to get screwed up.
Will do. The only things I've done so far are finish the wall and allow usage of the freezer room, working with the idea of a dingy with a rocket launcher on it - it'd be pretty cool if I can get it balanced with gameplay and keep it a float, and make the gametypes while tweaking/adding some weapons and respawns. I don't really have much else to do. I'm nearly out of idems to use and I can't really do much other then test the gametypes and what not.
Iv been infracted too for my size but it was by Tex, and most other Hubbers don't see much a problem. Ill probably pull the I <3 House music down today or something.