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Sep 11, 2012 at 7:14 PM
Jan 20, 2009
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Ancient, from Seattle, Washington. Sexy leve

Senior Member
R0FLninja was last seen:
Sep 11, 2012
    1. Youtuber
      Cause they know you are weak hearted and can't handle it.

      But seriously, bad idea man. Those stairs look nice, but handle difficult, like your mother.
    2. Youtuber
      Trust in youtuber. Noone liked em in the first one.

      Just a heads up.
    3. Youtuber
      Get rid of the stair-ramp on your new map.

      On the other one, it was terrible. Just make it one large ramp
    4. Rifte
      Don't use the banner please..
    5. Loscocco
      You will discover it's importance eventually.
    6. Loscocco
      YouTube- Yes
    7. Rifte
    8. SargeantSarcasm
      Just because I call people dumbasses doesn't mean you should.

      Though I agree with what you told Church.
    9. Kitten X
      Kitten X
      Your happiness influences my intelligent words.
    10. Kitten X
      Kitten X
      I would say he's trolling Forge Hub due all of the warnings he's received, from various members of the website, for the same things (plagiarism, map theft, absolute pointlessness), in which he is ignorant to, but he is too subtle to be a troll. On top of it all, his ignorance is most likely going to remain because he's a ****ing idiot who lacks originality.
    11. Kitten X
      Kitten X
      I reckon the staff is usually lenient when it comes to profanity, but this guy must have been so persistent to get you infracted so he reported your entire conversation. Also, he is very persistent towards plagiarizing; hence the fact that all of his threads that he's ever created are not his own.
    12. ChurchZ77
      Thanks for the advice hero, I'll take it into consideration when I.......Not. Wow, just leave me alone.
    13. Dthen
      Well, I might just be about to sleep properly for the first time in weeks, I'm exhausted from doing nothing all day. So good night... It's 23:36 here so yeh...
    14. Dthen
      Yeh. ^_^
    15. Dthen
      That guy just doesn't learn... The first map he posted was stolen and every single thread he's made is either stolen or made to advertise one of his other threads...
    16. Dthen
      *high five*
    17. ChurchZ77
      I don't appreciation the language you displaying upon this site. You are setting a bad example for all who are on this site.
    18. ChurchZ77
      and we were talking about something else. not that, so shut it and go hide.
    19. ChurchZ77
      Are you a ok or what, me and him are talking about giving/not giving credit, your way off.
    20. Devil95
      Quote: LilDevil95 is him, A f**king retard and A douche too. Wow you really know how to use swears dude. Infact maybe I was a douche. But a F**ktard? Really you have to push it. Well Guess what Devil95 Is Lil devil9597. Lildevil95 I have no f**king clue who that is. I swear on my ballsack. Im not kidding. Dude I would kill myself if I was lying. But dude dont stick up for Rifte Gifle like that. I thinks hes old enough to speak up for him self. Honestly.
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    Seattle, Washington. Sexy leve