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Ancient, from Snowflake, AZ

Senior Member
Gunnergrunt was last seen:
Jul 28, 2013
    1. Rifte
      get on halo plz? :(
    2. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Sounds great, the weapon balancing is pretty much finalised now then, I expect? Would be good to get some games - I have an approximation on my hard drive, but it's not up to date, of course. CPU is the last thing to tweak then, eh? I was a fan of v4's settings personally, but when any of the settings change you've got to look at everything else for sure. I was wondering also, how is it going in the bungie forums? Are people supportive? Anything they seem unsure about? Could be useful to guage what areas of the 'pitch', as it were, need the logic + PR combo treatment.
    3. kajin
      do you also contribute to
    4. Insane54
      I said I'll see if I can forward it to Shishka to take a look at, yeah.
    5. chrstphrbrnnn
      Glad you liked it insane said of getting it forward to some bungie people
    6. l PATRICK l
      l PATRICK l
      the spotlight looks great! i didnt realize i was going to get that kind of spotlight, ha ha thanks for the inspiration man
    7. Rifte
      On the file, make a comment linking to the youtube video explaining how it works, the forgehub page, and the gametype.
    8. Rifte
      recommending that you give links to the youtube video, FH page, and gametype on your asset canvas for the gametype.
    9. l PATRICK l
      l PATRICK l
      i see the CIM is taking new step, anyways, the questions, do you want me to do a full report on it? I can or just do a few questions and we each submit our own answers. I'm saying this because im probably not going to be any help with the banner pictures, as i have trouble with links and img codes as you well know ha ha. Thanks again, seeeya 'round
    10. Insane54
      You can't really call map flow 'bad', though it could be undesirable to what your vision of the map is, is what I mean. I'll probably start running my new class next week, post up signups sometime this week...hopefully have a broadcast this time around. I'm still working with my first class on 'Map Design 201' now so I have to decide good times for me.
    11. Insane54
      What prominent forgers, if I can ask? I really hate when people say 'needs more flow' because 'flow' is a really vague way to put things. Same with 'risk vs. reward'. It's oversimplifying the whole mentality.
    12. Insane54
      Hopefully my class I'm running will get a broadcast/recording soon so I can broadcast the ideas I'm trying to could tune into that and probably get a more refined idea (well, it's a more refined idea, than simplified to make as much sense as possible. I focus on building mentality over design ideas...IMO if you're decently smart and can think for yourself once you have the mentality that's all you'll need) that won't take anywhere near as long (probably 100+ hours) as it did for me. Will be opening up a new class soon probably, just going to talk to Shock first.
    13. Insane54
      Basically reverse engineering what I think the Bungie designers were thinking when they designed it and bringing it to the basic elements they started with and redoing it from their standpoint. Since then I've tutored a more efficient way of doing it, and now teaching a class in the Forge Academy on it, but it's essentially all the same thing...exercising your mind really. Though since then also I've talked to lots of other Forge/real map designers and improved my thinking skills...worked on a map design guide with Fritzster (MLG Amplified)...etc.
    14. Rifte
      I think you should. There's no need for more than 1 active camo spawns on an Asset map.

      Plus it only takes like 15 minutes to do them all. [IMG]
    15. Rifte
      continue discussion through VM before mods get mad.

      As I was saying, we could make 7 drop pods for the canvas using active camos.
    16. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      <3 Best of Forge
    17. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Cool! I'll have to try blending with my finger nail.
      I'm really glad you like all of the work! BTW, I wish I could use hatch shading like you can in pen drawings.
      I have been looking into concept art. I actually want to major in cinematography after high school, so I'll probably take a few classes on it.

      Have you ever tried weapon drawings in Halo? It's actually really easy if you can draw in real life.
    18. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Oh wait I just remembered a speed drawing video I did just last summer.
      Try to ignore the cheesy music. My editing software "examined" the video and put it with it.
      YouTube- Halo Speed Drawing
    19. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Thanks! I'm a senior too. I haven't really posted any art on FH other than the color pencil chief drawing. I just never thought of it.
      Anywhoozle, I was wondering if you could tell me how you get your pencil drawings so smooth. I've never been able to get the pencil strokes out of mine.
    20. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Hello there sir! I was looking though your art gallery thread and really like all of your stuff. I was wondering if you'd take a look at some of my drawings.

      My most recent one that was focused on detail. Actually just finished it tonight =]

      Another recent one, first try with different levels of lead softness. Never got to finish it though. I had to return the library book I got the picture from as a reference =/

      A colored pencil one from my sophomore year.

      Sorry I don't have a scanner. Any criticism is greatly appreciated.
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