when i first made the map the problem was the zombies were amazing and the humans would get owned literally in the first 5 seconds due to human base sucking terribly (defensive wise) and there is a 2 extra zombie spawns which are tube y pieces which are in the air on the sides of the walls and those help alot. When i remade it i kept make humans stronger and zombies weaker in mind so i did and when we played, it turned out fine and the turrets weren't that big of the problem due to the numerous amounts of zombie spawns and most zombies would break the turrets in the beginning anyway
u should go check out the map i just posted like 10 secs ago its infection and its called should feel special since u taught me how to make spoilers
He should be fine. Perhaps he hadn't confirmed the email on his account? Forge Hub - FAQ: User Profile Features
Idk about PC, but realplayer for mac has a kinda sub-application called real player downloader. You leave it open in the background and it scans browsers for streamed videos, and once they're finished streaming in the browser you can click download and it'll save the streamed vid to a file in a destination of your choice (set in preferences). If you can't find it as a standalone program near realplayer then look in the file/tools/etc. menus of realplayer itself and I think it should be there.
You don't follow the way of the RealPlayer Downloader? For shame.... But yeah, here it is dude :P. Seems you found a golden game as well, it's worked it's way to the front page on :).
Only if the last kill is a noscop. On a crouching player. With camouflage. Named Amercan. But only then.