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Jan 2, 2017 at 5:52 AM
Aug 11, 2008
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Senior Member
Orange was last seen:
Jan 2, 2017
    1. rewib65
      i cant really get a forge overview, since the level is in the back corner i cant take a shot from over it, or from the side really
    2. rewib65
      I have added a overview of my map Facility P435 which you asked for, I hope it clarifies things for you, although i can't guarantee it, the overview came out a little rough
    3. SargeantSarcasm
      You don't get to go on my ****ing page, bug me ALL the ****ing time, then delete my messages telling you to **** off.

      I'm restoring them. Live with the shame that is your very existence.
    4. Insane54
      Just FYI

      There will be no custom titles or freakin' Loyal ranks given out for finding proxy accounts. If I really wanted to find them, I could.

      I'd stop worrying about getting a rank or coming up with equally ridiculous ideas that are completely impossible and useless, and use your time to become a helpful member of the community.
    5. SargeantSarcasm
      LEAVE ME THE **** ALONE.

      **** OFF.

      Stop ****ing messaging me.
    6. Fraustophobia
    7. Fraustophobia
      true, and io also dont mean to sound mean or offensive, although i kno i most likely already have... but you dont need to self proclaim urself as the spam police. just a thought.
    8. iRaynne
      The 1v1 conflict was a HUGE event that lasted several months. The Hub of the Dead is a more simple and minor contest, thus Given to Fly will get a standard CT and feature.
    9. iRaynne
      FYI, standard format custom titles are the only ones given unless its a special exception. The CT awarded for Given to Fly will be awarded a standard CT, no strikethrough, bold, color, etc.
    10. Given To Fly
      Given To Fly
      I just don't know! lol so many options
    11. Given To Fly
      Given To Fly
      I'm not sure, which title I get, but I get featured and a comm spotlight too
    12. SargeantSarcasm
      Deals ****ing off.

      If you don't trust my word and you want to sully it by being a dipshit like you always are, thats on you.

      Stop ****ing messaging me.
    13. Given To Fly
      Given To Fly
      I'm so rediculasly happy! I haven't stopped smiling since I saw
    14. SargeantSarcasm
      no, but if you hit 30 ill ask shock to give you the CT
    15. SargeantSarcasm
      i said thirty not 20. i was going to say 20 before I realized 30 seemed more daunting
    16. SargeantSarcasm
    17. Roche178
      Its k, I sent him to Banzibar
    18. Adelyss
      Oh I thought Ashden21 was the second account..well Honestly I can't do anything about it, its out of my powers you need to contact A Red, Blue or Yellow dude.
    19. Adelyss
      well ashden21 is already banned so..but yeah Idk I don't have the powers to make 100% that its the same person..because some people mimic peoples gamer tags..idk why but they do rofl.
    20. Adelyss
      Can't do much about it since I don't have access to view peoples IP..I wouldn't be able to tell if it actually was. Give it to a Mod they can handle it.
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