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Feb 2, 2023 at 2:17 AM
Mar 29, 2008
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Silly Goose, from Texas USA

Senior Member
Fritzster was last seen:
Feb 2, 2023
    1. The Bloody Beetroots
      The Bloody Beetroots
      One more question. I now have the Sandbox template, but no sandbox forge items. Where can I get those?
    2. The Bloody Beetroots
      The Bloody Beetroots
      it really needs to be done, so my new map can be planned.
    3. The Bloody Beetroots
      The Bloody Beetroots
      By chance. Do you have a longshore one? Also, If they work with SketchUp 7 thats better.
      I need alongshore one with the Bridge extended.
    4. The Bloody Beetroots
      The Bloody Beetroots
      I have to say, Bravo on your most recent release.
      Also, where do you get such Detailed Google Sketchup templates?
    5. Insane54
      Ignite is awesome, that is all ;D
    6. Pegasi
      Sweet dude. When I'm able to get some 4v4 customs on it I'll get back with a proper review, looking forward to playing it in its element.
    7. Pegasi
      Heya dude, I only just saw Ignite, had a quick 1v1 with my friend on it as a run around and we both really liked what we saw, real fun lines of sight and some really interesting geometry shifts. Are you planning on posting it here at all?
    8. Mischgasm
      Any chance I can get a download link for the canvas used in creating this?
      Regicide (Asymmetrical) - MLG Forums

    9. Insane54
      Yeah, definitely! School schedule is pretty light now so I have all week TBH.
    10. Insane54
      Kinda. I'm not sure how far I can get with Foundry spawns, but I'll show you later today/in the week if we're both on.
    11. Insane54
      Hey, I'm working on Requiem v3 and wondering if you have any time where I could go over a few stuff I'm bouncing back and forth (and hopefully work on the spawns, or at least point me towards someone who can help me improve my MLG spawn setup).

      School doesn't start until Wednesday, and either way I have a pretty light schedule so whenever's good for you I can probably work with.
    12. Zanitor
      Nice job recreating that :D
    13. CaMOfo
      How did you possibly replicate that glitch? I did exactly the same thing as him and I couldn't get it to work.
    14. Given To Fly
      Given To Fly
      Have any new maps lately?
    15. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      That's a tough one, but I think the foundry ones are most appealling. Can't wait for all of them though, should be good.
    16. Insane54
      I have time here and there I mean....not really a lot but I think enough to keep it moving.
    17. chrstphrbrnnn
      Hey, you added shad0w, rusty and I on xbl around the same time. You've sent me a few game/party invites and such as well. I was just curious what was up, if you needed anything or if it was just a general FR.

      If you are testing or anything specific like that, if you send me a message saying "test" or something, I'm more apt to join, as I'm leery of invites, lest I walk into a 16 player infection game lol..

      Anyway, just wanted to let you know I wasn't ignoring you haha.
    18. TKS x MoNsTeR x
      TKS x MoNsTeR x
      Would you care to get this going or tell some designer friends about it?
      FH SketchUp Feedback Thread
    19. Insane54
      Hey Fritz...dunno if you're still doing it, but even if you're not can you send me a link to our writeboard? I'm not at home but Id definately like to do it and I forgot to bring it. *
    20. Donii
      uh i needed a wall on foundry so i deleted everything but the wall from amplified. is that okay? or am i stealing?
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