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Feb 27, 2022 at 7:17 PM
Dec 1, 2007
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No u Aug 21, 2019

Insane54 was last seen:
Feb 27, 2022
    1. Hari
      Well, just purely thinking of the way nature/evolution/whatever else intended us to be, we are not predators, we are herbivorous mammals just like monkeys are. Neither animals nor us were created for the sole purpose of ingestion by others who have some sort of advantage over them. Some may argue that its our right to kill and eat things because evolution gave us greater mental capabilities than the rest of the animal kingdom, but thats just not true. Theres a difference between killing and eating things because we need to to survive and greed. We as a race have literally enslaved an entire species for our own pleasure in their consumption.
    2. emilio30
      i tested it last night and i think Last Exit with all skulls on except for blind.
    3. Shanon
      Lock the turret thread. Question has pretty much been answered.
    4. Psycho
      Check Skype for the most lulz ever. Seriously. MLG pro poser I know in real life.
    5. Phreakie
      YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
      POV girl buys condoms
    6. Orange
      hallo, i have a suggestion. you may want to edit the description of Graphics & Arts to something that also say to post other forms of art such as poetry, music, etc... and also you may not say "photoshop" but say "software like photoshop"
      Current description:
      "As the title implies you post images, discuss them, and find resources for photoshop."

      What you may want to change it to:
      "As the title implies you post various arts like images, music, and poetry, then discuss them, and you can also find resources for image editing software such a Photoshop and Gimp."

      Reason i say this?

      Some people post poetry and things there and some dont. It would help a little bit of confusion people may have about where to post things.

      or you could change the title to just "Graphic Arts" to state that it is only for Images

      just a suggestion

    7. Kidbomber
    8. Hari
      Well, you need to understand that the human digestive system just isn't developed for digesting all of those proteins in meat. It takes a long time to digest meat and in the mean time, it just sort of sits in your digestive system and starts to decompose. So as far as i know, meat in itself isnt really all that healthy for you.
    9. Urban Myth
      Urban Myth
      Haha thanks.
    10. Indie Anthias
      Indie Anthias
      I can't help but think of Kosher in the same light as I think about hunting, but with some important differences.

      Edit: This whole Kosher thing you brought up has given me some great new ideas about a few different topics. You bastard. I have a test I need to be getting ready for not thinking about this.
    11. Indie Anthias
      Indie Anthias
      I read your conversation with Hari and I do have something to throw in. You say that your point of view (stemming from your religion, as you said) is that animals are ultimately for human ends. If you examine the "spirit of the law" of Kosher preparation, as I talked about before, one goal seems to be to minimize the suffering an animal goes through. Of course we all understand that this stems from laws laid out thousands of years ago, when it was the case that humans truely needed to eat meat for survival. My question is this - would the "spirit of the law" apply the same way today, when it is not a matter of survival?

      I hate the fact that I just used your religion to strengthen my own point. If you feel that's what I just did, forget what I said. But if the suggestion strikes a chord with you, use it as a starting point and see where it leads.
    12. Indie Anthias
      Indie Anthias
      Thanks for the link, that's a distinct piece of the puzzle that I have definitely overlooked. I can feel the character limit breathing down my neck already.... I love that the Kosher methods are in place and taken seriously. I know that there are a few other considerations for Kosher besides the experience of the animal, but it is an important one and I respect that a lot.
    13. Hari
      By all means, i have nothing against eating meat. (though i never have and never will anyways) Just as long as no animal has suffered for it. Eating kosher meat is a large step above what the mass community does, but in the best of the best situations, cows dead of natural causes would be the best to use if at all.

      lol. i passed the character limit too. I'm very vocal about this too apparently.
    14. Hari
      I'm not crazy about animals either, but people have to realize that animals like cows and chickens have all of the brain functions we do. They feel pain, they feel fear. They suffer. I'm not going to get too deep into my religious beliefs etc, but I believe that every living being has a soul and an equal right to live a life without suffering. Some of the things people do for profit to these animals is absolutely insane (pun totally intended). Cows are fed newspaper so they weigh more and sell for more. Cows are branded and castrated and have their horns cut off with no anesthetic because its too costly. Millions of chickens are stored in cages filled with about 10 chickens each, each cage about the size of a microwave. They never get to move, to breath fresh air, to stop being afraid.
    15. Fbu
      Ok Ok. I'll inform you when the time COMES.
    16. Hari
      You are right, this is very humane indeed. Although i'm still not for the killing of animals, this is most certainly tolerable. Funny how much Antisemitism there is out there when they are the ones who are most human and intelligent as far as killing animals goes.

      All of these things just make me so damn angry. It makes me discontent with being human. Unhappy that i share genetic likeness with people of such cruelty and lack of intelligence.
    17. Shad0w Viper
      Shad0w Viper
      Do you know which map you will be playing?
    18. Fbu
      Hey was the rpg forum permanently deleted? I used some of it as documentation :p
    19. Roche178

    20. Shanon

      Going to school.
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