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Jul 28, 2013 at 5:02 AM
Feb 4, 2009
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Ancient, from Snowflake, AZ

Senior Member
Gunnergrunt was last seen:
Jul 28, 2013
    1. chrstphrbrnnn
      It was a custom font that thesilencebroken has, if you message him he might be able to help you out.
    2. Paranoia UK
      Paranoia UK
      Cheers man, im also a fan of yours, Helix is legendary
    3. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Yeah, it's not on the index because we aren't a map posting forum. Search around. You might find some stuff you never knew about.
    4. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      I might also wish to point out that we have a map forum hidden away in General... I'm sure you'd get some major hits there.
    5. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Sexy stuff man. Sexy stuff.
    6. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Well, you're a AZN, but not an AZN, if you know what I mean. They'll follow you.


      But yeah, if SGP gets more active, We will definitely start doing community features, and one of which, if not more would be you.
    7. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      It would be.
      If Sour Grunt got more activity, we were thinking about doing featured media, etc. I like your vids...
    8. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Your existence.

      Oh, and those maps of yours.
    9. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      So, how about they just give you Premium right here.
    10. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      "Thanks Mick! Haha yeah, its been my little side project for a while. You've been so busy lately! But I'd be happy to start up on our map if you can find some time."

      Yeah my schedule has been crazy busy. Classes have been kicking my ass leaving little time for anything else. Plus this past month my girlfriend moved in and I went to my sisters wedding. So what little freetime I've had lately I've just been spending with the GF, but I'm thinking soon I might have time to forge again. If you feel motivated to work on our map that would be great cause my schedule looks pretty crazy until christmas break...
    11. Urban Myth
      Urban Myth
      Thanks man, I was suprised haha.
    12. CaMOfo
      Add me on Xbox.
      GT: CaMOfo
    13. Ell3ment
      Updated the thread with all the link to the other forum features. 800 downloads and counting, considering yesterday it was like 100 that's rediculous. We may have really created something bungie can't deny!
    14. Indie Anthias
      Indie Anthias
      Sure is, thanks. And lol to your little sketch, that is just awesome, I love it.
    15. Agamer
      Then I have lost all faith and care in conquest going into matchmaking.
      I hated version 4 with a passion just for that reason. Oh ****ing well.
    16. Agamer
      Is immunity to headshots in v4 where you can't kill someone with one bullet to the head?
    17. Ell3ment
      Permission granted!!!!!
    18. Meltyourtv
      You are soooo welcome dude! It'll be accepted, trust me. ;)
    19. Meltyourtv
      I highly suggest you submit news for Water Polo to

      Sumit News: : Stats Sign Up
    20. RightSideTheory
      Happy faic.

      Viva la revolution.
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    Snowflake, AZ

