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Aug 21, 2008
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Ancient, from The Shire (Of York)

Senior Member
B3NW was last seen:
Mar 1, 2016
    1. stickmanmeyhem
      Hey, Aaronator told me you knew how to ghostmerge teleporters... Teach me your mighty ways, master.
    2. Orange
      what rrod did you have?

      / \
      \ /
      / \
      \ /
      / \
      \ /
    3. Orange
      do you live close to a microsoft store? they can repair xboxs there which can take only 1-3 days
    4. Silent oo death
      Silent oo death
      Please don't post in black, even if you do view in oldschool default is so much easier to read for the rest of us.

    5. CaMOfo
      Haha, I'll be on in 5 minutes.
    6. Insane54

      He didn't do anything out of the staff guidelines. He didn't go "against a rule". You call it harassment because you believe you were in control of that conversation and could just end it like that as you pleased. Anyhow, I'm done with your personal attacks... the infraction stands and this conversation is over.

      Good day.
    7. Insane54
      "pecifically in the map forums, feedback on maps that:
      is composed of a single sentence
      includes a rating without reasonable justification
      shows no evidence of knowledge of the map in question other than that which can easily be seen from a glance at the pictures
      Will be deleted immediately by the moderators. Infractions will also be awarded for spam at their discretion under these same rules."

      You can't say "theoretically if this doesn't work, then fix it". That is pretty much the epitome of a spam infraction.

      In addition, I'm not going to INFRACT Peg for trying to explain the infraction to YOU, HAHA. I'm sorry, I had to laugh at that. You made a claim and expected him not to defend himself or explain the infraction, both of which he did in a mature fashion. The report was completely invalid.
    8. Insane54
      That's not how it was written. Read it again.

      "someones already said it didnt play well for them and my worry is its too aesthetical to be good, I recomend a fix in a v2 of that"

      too aesthetical to be good? It wasn't the grammar that was wrong, it was just written wrong in general. If you wanted to get the point I'm guessing you wanted, you shouldn't have posted until you made your own decision on the middle structure. "Too aesthetical" doesn't even make sense...especially in the MLG section.

      That was a lack of respect on your part: A police officer gives me a ticket. After arguing it with him at an extent extremely immaturely and including more than enough swearing, I personally insult him and his decision making, and then say "don't answer that or I'll sue for harassment!" It just doesn't work like that.
    9. Insane54
      You DO realize I can see all posts that have ever been deleted right? I'm looking at it right now.

      "I do like the middle structure but however it maybe not play well, someones already said it didnt play well for them and my worry is its too aesthetical to be good, I recomend a fix in a v2 of that."

      "Was there a need for all the quoting?
      It was purely a question about the structure and a suggestion to the question if the answer was it plays bad. :/"

      If that's your advice, I can't see how you expect to ever make a decent MLG map. I guess I can KIND OF see what you MIGHT have been saying, but it's about as much of spam as it gets. Play the map first, then if you had said that it didn't work, explain why. Don't say "this was bad because i herd so, make a fix v2 nao kthxbai".

      This is the standard moderator action line. If you read the rules, it states that you can talk MATURELY about an infraction.
    10. Insane54
      First off, it wasn't a rule break. I've been over this more than enough times to tell you that. He actually gave you more than the norm in discussion, and I don't know why he'd bother (same with me, to be honest). And why should I tell him to stop talking to you?

      Let's take a quick look at your PM, shall we?

      You basically insult him, same as me, and expect to report him for 'harassment' for defending himself in a mature manner against ridiculous charges, which he did by the way (I can include that PM if you'd really like to see it again). You're saying that you read someone else's post and decided that he needed to "change the middle structure for better gameplay in v2". I've read the post.
    11. Insane54
      Sorry, I've seen the PMs. Not gonna work. Maybe you should just be mature about it and take the infraction because you deserved it and stop wasting our time. You seem to believe you're "in control" of the conversation. You're not. Don't play the victim, be mature about it and continue on your merry way.
    12. Insane54
      It's not getting reversed. If anything, it's just going to be increased. I've looked at all the PMs and your posts, it was totally fine and for some reason you feel like Peg was harassing you, so you proceed to harass the staff.
    13. Insane54
      Stop being an idiot about an infraction you deserved. You're just wasting mine and Peg's time and now you're wasting all the staff's time. I've forwarded it to Sarge to deal with....
    14. CaMOfo
    15. CaMOfo
      Oh, alright. Umm yeah, just add me, I would like to take a look see. :]
    16. CaMOfo
      Are to still working on Flash Flood? If so you want to add me and let me take a look?

      GT: CaMOfo
    17. Pegasi
      To be frank, my reply was a direct response to your post, but 'targeting' is a pretty self pitying way of looking at it. I took issue with the comments you'd made, and responded to them. Oh, and on the subject of spam, I can't really see how you failed to notice this, but my post contained direct comments on my thoughts on the map in comparison to yours. Comments backed up by having looked around and played the map multiple times and so actually having a basis for opinion, as opposed to your rash judgement based on pics alone which you apparently thought warranted the creator changing the whole middle structure.

    18. Pegasi

      So no, it wasn't spam. I was actually giving you the benefit of the doubt after you made a pretty stupid comment on a map, then proceeded to post a one sentence reply when I took issue with it, again bearing in mind that I could have infracted you anyway. Your frankly childish attitude in this VM have shown me that this was way too generous. I'd back up dude, the ice is getting pretty damn thin.
    19. Aaronator
      sorry i had already pushed the off button. But it will be about 7 or 8 my time... 12 or 1 yours... sorry.
    20. Aaronator
      Hey B3NW can you comment on my map. Comment on what you actually think since you have played on it, whether its good or bad. Please so people won't be judgemental of its Pre-DLCness
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