Thanks, man. I appreciate the encouragement. Trust me, I fully understand the rigors of school. It can be a bastard at times. Cheers
Hi there. I wanted you to know that I am releasing a Foundry 1v1 layout this weekend inspired by your map, Remedy. Would you care to see it this weekend before it is set loose into the wild? If so, add my gt: SoIoist (The L is an I). The map should be ready by Saturday. I just feel it's necessary to contact you so there is no discrepency involved in terms of the design or "originality." Although mine happens to be a far cry from Remedy, as it covers more surface area and each dock is connected fully with materials. That is all. :) That made my day. Thank you. Lol
Here you go; Btw, thanks :]
Hey man, Being your one of the Mod's frequently in GnA; I was hoping you could sticky a thread? I'm planning on making an Official ForgeHub Deviantart Submission thread, were you submit your art to the DA profile. That Cool? Hope to hear soon :3
Lol that could do. And I had a backup copy but I hadta reformat my comp so TD has the only copy. I'm sure LH has the database still, just need to talk to him.
Yeah we plan on writing extensive reviews for films (old ones included). Then games and music and stuff. Speaking of which, do you have a copy of my L4D review?
School. Sociopathic Experiments. Starting a movie review website with Chuck. Writing. Comic. Bout it.
Hello again :D You're the only mod online right now so...