Thread OP for future reference. Not meaning to come across as harsh, but one of the rules says something about an attempt to be unbiased, and to submit a relevant review. mmmmkthnxbai
how? i thought it was pretty cool. mabie a little over the limit but cool that he did some research. i also wouldn't put it past bungie to make somthing like this...
It's near midnight, & I'm nearly unconcious. I've got college in a few hours, so I'm really not up for it tonight. But at some other point, I'd love to. Keep dropping messages occasionally, I'll try to be on soonish. Look forward to playing with you.
dude, why were u sick. also Mrs. Tilapah (?) miss spelled Pride and Stupidity. she spelt them like this: prde and stupidy. she then tryes to read a sentence and says this "Gahb oramu gnomp flupityno." While trying to say " Get Out your sentences."