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Apr 13, 2009
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Ancient, from Skagway, AK

Senior Member
Prosper was last seen:
Aug 7, 2013
    1. Sqorck
      Hi there, Last night I was looking at maps on Youtube and I saw on of mine on there. Apone clicking it I saw that the Related Videos panel was full of other videos of the map. On further invetagation turns out the map I made last year and never published eploaded into an internet phenomenon. It is amazingly viral, turns out you made a remake of it. The map Toilet, I have decided to fix up a little and publish. I just wanted to say thanks for all your support!
    2. Micr0Snip3
      I didn't think of that.

    3. Micr0Snip3
      Here's a little bit of info you can use-

      Do you really think that we can eat food have it digested and it to stay in our body until we go to the bathroom and use the toilet? Your body is the most intricate design known to you and me. Your veins are perfectly aligned and in the right position to pump blood to your muscles how do you muscles work? Muscles can contract which means that the muscle shortens and gets thicker and whilst that muscle is working the opposite muscle will relax and that muscle will stretch and get longer. Do you really think that your brain can send signals to your body without physical contact? All of the animals cannot work by ACCIDENT. You can swim in blue wales veins.

      Oh and here is something you might want to see
      It gets better the further it gets into it.
      : )
    4. The Maxster
    5. R0FLninja
      i dont kno that many christians

      or i havent really found out if they are religeous
    6. R0FLninja
      So your more mad at me when i apologize than when I called god a chicken?

      confused faice :/
    7. R0FLninja
      i apologize for that, i am just really annoyed by anything religous. i just felt like being an asshole. i am an atheist, that is all.
    8. R0FLninja
      What if it turns out god is just a big chicken?

      what then?
    9. XxSniperJobexX
      I don't see why people have to tell people that their beliefs are dumb or stupid. I am also a christian but I do not go and tell other people they are wrong to belive in something else. You can belive in whatever you want.
    10. EpicFishFingers
      Nothing, I just feel like poking you with a stick to annoy you!


      Anyway, everyone below me is doing the same thing
    11. EpicFishFingers
      Hey, is this where I come to ***** about your beliefs?
    12. Dow
      Ok I am tired of this.
      1. I dont like your avatar.
      2. I dont feel like arguing anymore
      3. Leave it at that.
    13. Dow
      1. Have you ever studied China? If you have, then you will already know about the millions of Chinese who were persecuted by christians missionaries. The Christian missionaries went through the villages and burned down Chinese temples, and said that ancestor worship was "wrong".

      There are plenty more examples like this involving missionaries. I could also mention the crusades, but that can be mostly attributed to Catholism, even though christianity did contribute.

      and 2. Just because someone is Atheist doesn't mean they can't have morals. 58% of East Asia is either non religious, agnostic, or atheist and they are extremely friendly people. As a matter of fact, Americans are much ruder by comparison, and which belief makes the majority of America? I forgot, perhaps you could remind me.
    14. Dow
      You cant tell me what I believe. Religion = Violence. Violence = Bad. That is what I believe.
    15. Dow
      Nope, I just want to be a ****. That is all.
      It's my way of getting back at christians for all of the anti abortion, Anti gay marriage, and anti stem cell research ****.
    16. Prosper
      Crude insults? I think you posted on the wrong profile.
    17. EonsAgo
      Crude insults are not valid debate points.
      At least make them more menacing. :)

      Have a nice day.
    18. Micr0Snip3
      Hey man!
      Don't listen to Dow about atheism!
      I'm Christian too!

      I don't see how they can't see Him working all around us...
    19. Dow
      Im an atheist. Your signature offends me because it is not necessary for you to try to force your beliefs on me by having me read the nonsense present in your avatar. Please remove it as this ia a website dedicated to halo 3 forge, not religion
    20. aMoeba
      If you're pretty good, sure, add me, my GT is NewbAmoeba
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  • About

    Skagway, AK
    This is where I'm supposed to say something about myself.




    Maps: Toilet

    "Mom! It's Clogged again!"

    GENERATION 23: The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add one to the generation. Social experiment.