Twilight GN0ME
Last Activity:
Feb 23, 2013 at 7:21 AM
Sep 2, 2008
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Sheffield, Yorkshire, England
Student (Games Design Course)

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Twilight GN0ME

Ancient, from Sheffield, Yorkshire, England

Senior Member
Twilight GN0ME was last seen:
Feb 23, 2013
    1. Beefi
      Zoxin It Up!- livestreaming video powered by Livestream <-- my map feature
    2. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      twilight.. my upload speed isnt enough to upload the poster in a .psd.. it keeps timing out..

      can i just send you it as the .png or do you need the psd file?
    3. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      idk if my PM actually sent, so upload it to my account:

      just upload it to my account.
    4. The Moran
      The Moran
    5. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      Im online right now
    6. Katanga
      I was about to ask the same quesiton as the guy below.
      I had a revelation when I was playing your maps. I realised that all of your maps have at least a semi-urban feel to them. My aim was to create a cavern, which really feels like you're trapped. Kill-balls would hover beneath bridges, which become avaiable to access weapon caches. Zombies would gain entrance via 7 entrances which, like your other maps, would become available as time progressed.
    7. Kalriq
      thanks for getting back to me,
      I'll definitely not have it finished until halloween anyway,
      Its basically a sewage complex with a huge drainage system.
      it should work with the gametype because its a steady fall back defence, not unlike lone depots gameplay, except the human team is split in half. they unite at the 3rd minute, when they start moving up, I used some nice unlockable weapon caches which you might like to use.

      I'll show you tonight if your on.
      My gt is Kalriq, we've played together before i think.
    8. Kalriq
      hey twilight,
      I was wondering if you would let me use your virus strain 57 gametype for a map I'm making and testing, the reason is becuase its a balanced game and would work well with this style of map.
      Pm me back if its ok.
      I'd give all credit to you and you could even add it to the map pack.
    9. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      hmm i could try to do it this weekend.. and next week will be an easier week for me.

      and no i dont use paintshop.. but i could redo everything
    10. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      hey man sorry i left the chatbox the other day, i was assuming you would PM me with the stuff.. just send it whenever you need it
    11. Katanga
      Had a great time playing your maps last night. I think you've executed them all very well.
    12. Kidbomber
      Done its up. Sorry for the wait.
    13. Knight Kninja
      Knight Kninja
      sure.. thats the chatbox on the forums right? lol
    14. Camel Carcass
      Camel Carcass
      Balls, sorry I only just got the message, and assuming you meant today, I was doing coursework and didn't check the forums. I apologise, could I have a little more notice if there's another test? And I also assume that It's already finished for today. Anywa, GT: CAMEL CARCASS, and If I'm online and you need me on the spot, invite me. If I'm offline, Message me, I'll probably et to it sooner or later. Also, If you post the map without another test, I'll still review it and give feedback. If significant changes seem likely, you could mae a V2 and edit the current post, I'll assist you if need be. Good luck with the map anyway, looks fantastic from the screenshots that I saw.
    15. Kidbomber
      This is fairly hard to say. TBH getting a full party of 16 testers and having them all post feedback or such is near impossible. However, there are twos ways I see doing.

      1st) Posting the thread normally and hope to get 16, and if not get other people to join in.

      2st) I know its hard for you but testing each map separately, and hope more testers are overwhelmed by 4 maps.

      Other then those, I don't what to say.
    16. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      The journalists don't really have any involvement as they're already so busy with the front page stuff. I could probably get a snippit in the site update but that's basically it. The idea behind it is it's member run so there really isn't a leader per se.

      Not many people think they can review but once you learn a lot about map making doing a simple review comes naturally, so don't be intimidated cause I'm sure you know more than enough to write some good reviews.
    17. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      Well the more honest a review is the better it is. No one benefits from a reviewer that blows smoke up the creators ass.

      And we definitely need more minigame/infection reviewers. We have some pending right now and I'll be honest in that I don't know much about that field.

      I don't know if a social group is needed since we already have a forum for it. Plus we recommend that people just post their reviews with the maps, adds some credibility to the application process. If you're not comfortable with that you can just send me them through pm and I can review them for you.

      I'm going to talk with the staff about revising our rules for membership and hopefully get more members.
    18. Insane54
      There aren't any really professional ones out can go with the Tester's Guild, I guess...
    19. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      Yeah I guess you can say it is. The guidelines to join were pretty strict so not many people wanted to join and our 2 leaders shock and scope are really busy so they kinda lost interest. I wrote a review recently but wasn't very happy with it so I never published it.

      Feel free to apply and if you show prospect I can help you get in. We definitely need the members
    20. Insane54
      I have no idea :/

      Shock's in general really busy, we have lots of ideas but we dont want to do too much till everything's all settled.
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  • About

    Sheffield, Yorkshire, England
    Student (Games Design Course)
    Twilight GN0ME
    I am Alex Johansson, a student who is currently studying games design. I have been designing game concepts for numerous years, and currently now have a growing portfolio of at least 7 games. Forge has provided me the opportunity to make some of these ideas a reality. With some luck and support, my maps should go somewhere. Thanks and enjoy the maps! Let me know about any improvements I can make on my work.

    Rock Climbing, Biking, Basketball, Designing Games, Surfing and of course, Playing Games.

