I almost forgot! Type up your thought's bit before Friday night. That is when I'm going to put the post together. It doesn't have to be long. Like 5-6 sentences... :)
I have a glorious, original, minimalist crypt mini-game. I creamed when I thought of it. We could, in all honesty, make it in one day. Oh fxxx.
I haven't been bringing my 360 with me. I wish I was a god at retaining class information, otherwise I'd have it here, you know? You've got to get the map from Zoro if you're going to be home. I mean it might as well get done. You can ghost everything...
You should have seen the middle I made today off of Amplified's. Ghost-ing is wonderful. I can show you on Friday!
no you have to get on on your own tight schedule, im considering it, but xforge has a bunch mindless douchbags who will vote for shitty maps, and will coerce others to vote for shitty maps