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Nov 10, 2012 at 5:42 AM
Apr 26, 2009
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Ancient, from Canada, Inside this software called "Norton Anti-v

Senior Member
Killor118 was last seen:
Nov 10, 2012
    1. Joe is Outside
    2. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      Oh yea btw - your bio says It's not. You meant to put hiddensoulz. Found that out a while ago forgot to tell you. Ok bye now.
    3. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      If t'was, I wouldn't have tried to oppose the thought of justifying the impossibility which would internally be the truth of your lie which thou hath decided to lay upon me.
    4. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      If only possiblize was a word. Maybe then you would understand why doing just that would help you become what you've always wanted to be. You see, I did just that, and I am what I am but do not wish it. This of course would not be directed at the impossibility, but the possibility of the impossible. And although thou might thinketh that the impossible possibility would hurt thyself more than the impossibility being accepted and tolerated as an impossibility, thou shant agree with thyself if thou ever completes the intended.
    5. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      Yes. Dilemma. But one must overcome Dilemma to become one of us. However Trouble follows Dilemma. And by Trouble, I mean Impossibility.
    6. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      No. It's a 0% chance it's true and a 0% chance it's false. Confusing? Yes. Yes indeed.
    7. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      Possibly. See where I'm going with this?
    8. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      Torture? I do not understand what thou doth speak of.
    9. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      I just find it interesting that the code of the Hub has been broken by one who wrote it.

      And me coming back is neither a set in stone fact, nor a childish ridiculous rumor. It is simply a possibility. Any further adjustments to this status will be notified by yours truly. Although it might have to be searched for considering the masses of people spread throughout the public who would think of this information as necessary.

      Or as humans would say, maybe.
    10. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      -Insert evil mastermind laugh here-
    11. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      ...I'm not saying you haven't done it. Of this you don't know the half of - as in - you've only seen the beginning. You all think you've stumbled upon a great new discovery, but wait until the other advancements are leaked from the Hub.
    12. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      Of this you do not know the half of.
    13. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      Yes. Ghost merging. I've heard.
    14. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      o. iight peace.
    15. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      Mmk. Still says nothing though... I'll check back in a min.
    16. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      It says it's offline.
    17. Rifte
      oic. Too bad then. I got bored of xbox and wanted to play lol.
    18. Rifte
      Halohub error: connection refused(10061)
    19. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      seeing Hockey.......changing the chan....I mean website
    20. Doog Nit
      Doog Nit
      What project? Darkness or whatev? Either way - it's not because of viruses I don't think you're trying to hack my even if you did I'd just hack you back...but anyway it's because my computer runs slow as hell now because of crap I tried to do with my registry. It made certain processes not work either at all or not anywhere near as fast so yea any more space taken up is not an option. Just gotta deal with what I got until I get a new one.
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  • About

    August 13
    Canada, Inside this software called "Norton Anti-v
