Thanks... because one that I been thinking about is PRE DLC and would need some feed back or trial and errors.
I think the best over all is ... as you said Descriptions and Pictures. It would take more time on your part but you can quickly identify what you want with a person's entry and work them into what your going for. I say this because I'm actually working on an entry on Vahallia and I don't wan to put it on my fileshare till your interested in seeing it. What would be in mybest interests is to give you more of a preview and only provide a path to you DL it once it is desired to see. Both sides win in this accord....
What I was meaning wasn't to reveal who/ what your episode was going to be but types your interested in seeing more of. You have the data base but some times we can't leave it up on our fileshare/Hardrive forever so... it would be building something for a month run to see if that is what you want/ would use. It keeps the creators idea fresh and can reflect you the person that picks the winners what you ultimately what you are desiring. I know you like the data base idea but possibly looking at old entries will become broken/deleted by the user themselves.
Kete, when was the date for the TRR again? Not at the computer ATM but would like to put it on my iPod calendar.
Bought a 360 to VGA connector and now all I need is a 2.5 to optical cable and I'll have HD and surround sound! Yussssss Oh, and I bought a minifridge. *Awesome level +5*