Of course. Also, I need a short paragraph from you expressing your thoughts on the map. Something like this: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/54265-redeemer.html We will all have one. :D
Well, we planned on doing it this week. So I guess w/e...I did include your name in the write-up, though.
Absolututely. As we speak I am writing the history/about paragraph for Plex. It will be done and posted by this weekend. Would you be able to get on for about an hour to do some forging on one of those days?
Well, no. Since you can't. And also because I only sign on during the weekend. I would never go solo on an infection map. Lol, I talk like I've actually made one before. :) Hmm, maybe I should watch an instructional video.... (Referring to the racetrack god's messege lmao) ^_^
You would have to be working 2 jobs and studying 30 hours a week to not have any free time. As a sophomore, I find that hard to believe. ANYWHO, that's fine. I don't think I'll lose my interest in map design so whenever you believe you can co-forge our premium map, tell me dear.
Oh. My. Bajeezus. Are we doing this Scotty baby? http://www.forgehub.com/forum/announcements/88250-hub-dead.html Can you say Foundry/Ghost-merging?
No, those window ramps on the bases, huge blocks in the middle, wall ramps in the middle, and the wedge corners under bottom mid (replacing single blocks) need to be done. :D And yes, my school is small. There are around 3500 students.
My apologies. Well, it feels like the big public school that I never went to. Seriously. Right now I feel like I'm a freshman in highschool, not a university. Dude I'm dying to finish Plex, we should do stuff on it this weekend. Zoro will finish the wedge ramps with ghost merging. He already did all of the corner ones. The eight ones that are left go on the sides by the tube columns.
True. It does cater to people who are lazy and don't want to spend time door-ing merges in. As a matter of fact... *Turns on 360 to test out ghost merging, creams his self, runs back to laptop* Just kidding, I don't have my xbox with me at school. :D
Come to think of it, it looks like that wall corner on top A of "Pulse" is the one from Sexodus. Take a look...
If there were more hours added to the day, people would just continue to find time to work and be the props that they are. Just remember we all have the same time to work with...lmao. Anyway, if I decide to get on this weekend I haven't figured out if I want to do that or start some shitty map on Sandbox..I haven't made up my mind yet.
Same here. Yeah about that map, I've been pretty hesitant to work on it because I can only get on during the weekends since I'm living at school. And I generally don't give two ****s about finishing it anyway. I mean I'd like to, but you know, it's a pain in the ass. Maybe I'll re-do the stuff on Juturna that I have to and finsh that? Although I might get drilled for "hijacking" TDH's ideas...
Hey, brother. How's it been? Dude, regardless of this map being a stock foundry two base, it's kind of awesome. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/mlg-maps/86565-mlg-pulse-v1.html
Haven't touched it in a few days. I've been occupied. I honestly have no insentive to forge it. It's a mix of laziness/lack of care I guess. Would love to somehow get some inspiration somewhere though.