I think lets do the linear one for the contest cause it'll be more likely to win anything, but the minigame would be a nice one to just release. Also, I'm pretty stressed out right now. I just want to ****ing release Deadline, but i need a name. I'm not even gonna worry about any more tests, I'm just gonna shove it out there. And I also have an infection, a VIP, and a competitive map that are all my own projects that are being worked on at the same time... sooo....
Thanks for the offer, but I will have to decline. Any time I spend in Forge will be dedicated to working on my racetracks, and I don't spend a lot of time forging as it is. I hope you can find someone to work with. Peace.
Oh, forgot to answer one of your qn's. The 'video' was just a screen grab from the actual video, kept at the same resolution as youtube so it looked the same.
Heheh. K, here goes (it's not that hard, really). 1. Instant respawn grav lifts under the floor, and low gravity in the gametype. That's all really! Fairly simple to build, just done with precision. Hope you like. The tripmine is especially fun when you have a large group of players. Really, the map's nothing special, just a bit of fun. :) 2. I used [noparse][mouseoverimage] and [title][/noparse] for the rollover images and text, which you can see how to do here. For the image itself, I created a single image in photoshop, then spliced it into component parts (which I saved as new images) so that it would look like one image when I added them to the thread. Then I made specific images mouseovers and hyperlinks. I'm happy how it came out, I think it's a cool way to present a map, so long as the map itself is simple and self-explanatory.
There are two ways to do it. The way I did it, I put the vehicle on it's side, and when you flipped it, it would fall into an area with a ton of fusion coils, and blow up. then the vehicle would respawn and reset the switch. The other way to do it is to make it so when you go to flip the vehicle, there is no way for it to move, so it will stay in the "hold RB to flip vehicle" position.
wellwhydidn'tyoujusthavehimgetitinsteadofwasting30 minofmytime?I'mdissapointedinyou.Thebasicsofthegam etypearethezombieshave75%gravityareforcedcolorblac k,swordstarts,unlimitedswordammo,humanshaveshotgun andmagnumstartsbutlimitedammoandtherearenoweaponso nthemap,humanshavevehicleuseenabledbutonlymongeese areallowedonthemap,sohumanscanonlydrivemongeese,ve hiclesaredisabledforzombies,ihopeyouknowhowharditi storeadthistextnow.
I can't find a download for the gametype, I looked through like 10 pages of community files and most of it is fat kid lol. If you can give me a link to a download of the gametype then I can get you the settings.
Do you need exact settings? I found this: Save One Bullet - Halopedia, the Halo Wiki - Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST, and more What settings do you need so I don't have to write down everything.
stop with the stupid "thanks, aaronator" ****, it's forgehub, not an email or a letter, dumbass. So...you want me to get you the settings then because you are not able to get them?
How would I know about the save one bullet gametype settings? As I've said before, I'll help with the gameplay and mechanics, but I hate the grunt work of forging. I don't need credit for the small things I can help with. We've talked about this before. Just invite me to a party next time your online.
Alas though, I don't want to become a biased judge. I shouldn't have any creative interaction with entrants.