Blood of the Fallen
Last Activity:
Sep 19, 2010 at 8:08 PM
Apr 29, 2009
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  1. Dow

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Canada and anywhere there's a pencil and paper.
Writing. Currently working on The Shards of lykia

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Blood of the Fallen

Ancient, from Canada and anywhere there's a pencil and paper.

Senior Member
Blood of the Fallen was last seen:
Sep 19, 2010
    1. pyro
      You sir are an idiot
      What makes you think that you are qualified to go around spamming boards with stuff about music. This is FORGEhub where we talk about Halo. If you feel the need for a spam board try the off topic forum. Personally I really hope you are banned soon. I find warnings are pointless.
    2. Blood of the Fallen
      Blood of the Fallen
      Preview of the first map of the Forerunner series up now! It's in my blog, check it out : )

      I'll be adding to it as often as possible until the release of the map. So read if you'd like, I swear you wont be disappointed, enjoy and drop me a comment if you liked or disliked it please because if I get enough feedback depending on if its good I plan to try to turn this into a Machinima Series with Rooster Teeth, or by myself : )

      Just added the next section! Check it out if you want.
    3. alextrer
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  • About

    Canada and anywhere there's a pencil and paper.
    Writing. Currently working on The Shards of lykia
    Broken G3ars
    So hey, names Broken G3ars or better known on here as Blood of the Fallen. I'll skip the part where i tell you about myself and go straight to what i do. I'm both a writer and a forger. When I build a map, its always set on a story I write about it, I find it makes the map more...interesting. I am an excellent writer and have won a few select awards. So if you love halo, and enjoy short stories or even reading, check me out.
    Just posted on my blog the preview of the map "Delta Down"

    Upcoming maps: Delta Down, the Forerunner Chronicles (Preview up now in my blog) Coming October 2009
