Oh really? I'll have to look at the new update. Also, I have been playing a bunch of my games lately that I don't really play anymore. I'd say in the last year, all I have played is Halo 3, Gears 2, Dead Space, Mass Effect and a little Red Faction Guerilla. So this past week, when I am not playing with people from XF on Halo 3, I have been playing Red Faction Guerilla, Saints Row 2, and a few other games that I have had for years.
Lol I hear ya. I have 1 notification as well. I don't know though, it shouldn't be much longer. Maybe another hour or so I would think.
Geez I know haha I can't wait til it comes back up (TWSS moment I know). I hope it doesn't take much longer before it is back up though. I am at work and really want to surf the site like I always do haha