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Ancient, from Snowflake, AZ

Senior Member
Gunnergrunt was last seen:
Jul 28, 2013
    1. Boston
      Alright, just finished the map. When will you be on so I can party up with you and show you where to put everything?
    2. urban destroyer
      urban destroyer
      heyy gunner its blue mag1c 91.if your looking for conquest maps for matchmaking maybe youd consider useing my map would be greatly used for large conquest games,just a little change to the thight packed maps that are tradion of conquest.i believe you played it so msg me if youd like to use it as an insentive for your goal.
    3. R0FLninja
      I had no thoughts of posting the gametype, but it would be awesome if you actualy used it in any way. I joined the group and I have a link of it in my share, 2nd spoiler.

      Im glad I could help out thus far, and I would totaly be glad to help in any way from advertising to recruiting members.
    4. Ell3ment
      Awesome, Rock solid is really one of my favorite Slayer/objective maps and it's awesome we won that competition. Celebrations are in order....time to get DRUNK!
    5. R0FLninja
      Cold Conquest, Recently finished conquest map in need of testers.

      Conquest V5, A V5? 5 second Invincibility for CP, AR starts, with a 50 damage inflicted,BASE PLAYER TRAITS: at 90 speed, normal weight, %150 damage resistance and %110 damage inflicted, AR Starts, No Starting grenades. (made by yours truly)

      I checked and it is different from other conquest gametypes. Plays quite well.
    6. R0FLninja
      Check mai sig.

      Im all for it brew.
    7. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      You got any name ideas? Lights suggested "Reflect" and I kinda like it.
    8. Boston
      Actually, I think I have the best idea. What if you wrote out "Stick" with the nodes, and then combined an overshield, active camo, and a custom power up to make a shiny white "Ball". That way it would read "Stick Ball" Except the ball is really a ball haha I think that is what I would love now :)
    9. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      Well we got a ways to go and lots of areas to build off of. I got a bunch of homework to do by friday as I got some friends coming up for a music festival over the weekend so I'll probably not (or at least I really really shouldn't) work on it till after the weekend. So go hog wild and do as much or little as you want.

      I also saw your tutorial video. Very impressive work.
    10. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      hey man got some more work done, it's in the fileshare.

      I was running into some problem, the double block wall the has the hallway on top isn't quite long enough to close the gap if it's interlocked. We might just have to not interlock it so we can stretch it out as much as possible, not my favorite thing but I'm not sure we have another option.

      I also got some others down but i had to go back a couple times since the glitch stopped working as i was having people joining my games, so i really didn't get a whole lot done.

      I also see you're one of those weirdos that plays on inverted :P
    11. Boston
      Thanks man! I'll go finish it now. I should have it ready for you by tomorrow.
    12. Boston
      Alright sweet! Yeah I was thinking the weapon holder would be a good idea for that. Like I said though, I would love to have WSA written out maybe below it the sticky medal thing if possible?
    13. Boston
      Thank you so much man! Lol I suck at aesthetics.

      I was thinking for a "logo", Grifball has the "Running Man". I was thinking maybe if you could get the teleporter nodes to make a "sticky" medal. Like the explosion. Also, if there is enough nodes, maybe forge my favorite number, 45 as like a Hall of Fame kinda thing. I can't really think of anything good though. Any suggestions?

      Or you could do this. I am planning on making my own website with leagues and tournaments. Maybe you could forge with the nodes, WSA, which stands for World Stickball Association.

      I am forging the layout right now so it should be done by tonight. If I see you online I will invite you but if not I will send it to you.
    14. Boston
      Hey man, I have a question. If I were to make the basic layout of a Stickball map, could you add in some nice aesthetics? Like maybe using the teleporter nodes to create a cool logo similar to what they have on the Grifball courts? I want it to stand out, and you're probably the best man for the job I can think of as far as aesthetics go.
    15. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      i guess name it whatever you want since the map doesn't really have a name yet
    16. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      K man I didn't get anything done on it so you still have the latest version. I'll be home at like 6 tonight after class is over.

      For the one month each account you make on your xbox gets a month free, well limit 3. Try making a new account and see if it works I guess, otherwise I'll try to find us some 1 months
    17. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      cool man, i was thinking we should just make some one month account (if you haven't used your 3) and then we could host the map there so it's easy to trade off. I know our schedules don't really match very much. i should be busy for most of the night but if not i can get some work done on it tomorrow probably
    18. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      apparently by being helpful :) you get any work done today?

      hope you're having a good birthday!
    19. padres1944
      Great. I'll probably be on for awhile. Just send me a message or something. I'm on Pacific time.
    20. padres1944
      Hey, if you think you might be able to, could you maybe get on sometime today and give me some pointers about Verticality?
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