I wish it was more of an open based song editor, sadly it was built intended for musicians.... Wanna play RB2 or GH5? I'm really bored and tired of haylo....
Dude that **** is so cash, Pepsi has been doing that for a couple months now. Sadly, I hate Pepsi. Oh and there was a RB2 Patch on Friday: Linkzorz
Dude this Tuesday there will be an Alice in Chains five pack and a Breaking Benjamin three pack, I definitely have to pick some ms points up.
My mom was at Gamestop today getting my 6 year old brother a game for the wii and she had GH5 in her hands ready to purchase but didn't buy it because I never mentioned if I liked it or not to her. fuuuuuuuuuuu
No, don't turn it off. Tweak the settings to allow the game to access whatever the firewall is blocking.
Lmfao. Shroomz? I'm RightSide cause RightSideTheory wouldn't fit on the game screen. EDIT: wait, your name in the game or your account for the main website or whatever?
Hey look! You have free time now. DL it tonight, play it tomorrow. That's what Randle is doing I think.