Wow, your artwork is excellent! You have a very clear style of shading. And the depth in that Shrek picture is very impressive! Do you have any more of your art posted around the site? I would really like to see more of your stuff. What year are you in right now?
Yea, I heard about TOK. We also have to do extended essays as well. I was thinking that you would be required to take a language credit from 8th-12th. At my school we have to in order to be included in the program. The homework is suppose to be in insane amounts. I hear IB people complaining about their workload at least 10 times in a day. It sucks.
LOL no, I'm in pre-IB, I'm a sophomore. Meaning I have all honors or AP classes. Though I am taking AP Pysc, Stat, and Euro. We have to do DBQs and it's dull work. Are language credits required all over? Do you need to take up to a 5th year of a language?
Lol no they were quite clever. Yeah, thats long in the making. As for the comic, its going to be a real comic, no halo anymore, so its going to be a while. We're going to try to publish it via Image Comics and thus retain sole rights to it, if not we'll just scan it and put em online. The artist is just waiting for me to finish a script...which is hard because ideas are constantly changing. But I've got outlines and character biographies as well as a total idea of where I want everything to go, just need to actually do it.
Btw, anything you make at USC belongs to if you should ever get accepted, think about that before you decide to go there. And yeah that'd look great. I've a few film ideas involving edit-cloning myself to show off a few of my traits and abilities (patience, cinematography, etc), including a long philosophical remake of 12 Angry Men... And yeah I've seen your vids, they've been pretty well-written and shot imo.
USC is the best in the nation (its been my dream to go there, even before I wanted to do film). They are EXTREMELY hard to get into. I didnt get in because I dont have anything spectacular to show them yet, which is why I'm trying to get my comic off the ground. NYU is the second best, arguably the best. UCI and UCLA have great film schools as well.
Graduated in June, going to UC-Irvine now, then I'm going to try and get somewhat famous through other endeavors within the next couple of years and transfer into USC
well, i dont know about model cars, but rubik's cubes are the most painful little trinkets ive ever delt with. they single handedly killed my self asteem.