Cerberus Beast
Last Activity:
Nov 28, 2012 at 3:22 AM
Dec 1, 2008
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Cerberus Beast


Senior Member
Cerberus Beast was last seen:
Nov 28, 2012
    1. Rho Fs
    2. Rho Fs
      Rho Fs
    3. Rho Fs
    4. Rho Fs
      Rho Fs
      alright im workin on it. gimme a minute
    5. Cerberus Beast
      Cerberus Beast
      Position your camera where you want it. Go to File>Export>2D Graphic. Take however many you want. Then, upload to Forgehub and embed the links. You can hover your mouse over the pictures in the photobucket album and a menu should pop up that lets you right-click and copy the embed code right there.
    6. Rho Fs
      Rho Fs
      how do i take good pics?
    7. Rho Fs
      Rho Fs
      hey im on and i have teh sketchupz. only half is done t houghg
    8. Rho Fs
      Rho Fs
      Pshh. Legit feedback is almost never legit. I have a 4v4 possible big team map sketched up. Without objects though. Just a design. It was all made with the push pull tool and things of that nature. If you are interested in collabing just lemme no. KTHXBAI
    9. AceOfSpades
      Sketchup never works for me on my mac. I'll just have to wait until you do that part of the map.

      Nice avy :)
    10. AceOfSpades
      1. You need an avatar.
      2. Sketchup looks smexy. The only part I can envision well is the part you've already done and the possible camo spawn... the rest I am somewhat confused about. Are you going to be able to go on the ground floor of the map in places such as the "landing" and areas around it?
      3. Have fun ghost-merging. Unless you're one of those people who absolutely despise it and are going to do merges like that double box ramp at possible camo spawn.
    11. Mischgasm
      Whatever you need, your pretty easy to convince. I'm already working on a secret map, so I can wait.

      Btw: new avatar, like?
    12. Mischgasm
      Dude, do you think you could make me a sketchup, I feel like making a map but I don't want it to be a monumental project. I swear I won't give up half way if you design it instead of me because then I'll feel obligated. Plzplzplzplz
    13. AceOfSpades
      Looks nice... I have to do hw now though... I'll look at it more closely later
    14. AceOfSpades
    15. AceOfSpades
    16. Insane54
      Not really. I have trouble really feeling most sketchups, but I'll take a look anyway.
    17. Insane54
      Not really, but we could if you'd like. Donii just kinda disappeared from design so I'd be fine doing it with you as well...but just know that I'm really not gonna be doing any work except telling you what's wrong with your map.
    18. AceOfSpades
    19. Transactionzero
      I'm still downloading the game.
    20. Mischgasm
      Dooooo ittttt.
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