No worries. I will probably run some more tests soon so if you wanna check it out just let be on the lookout.
Yeah, everybody's turned into an elitist ****** on Halo. All I do on Halo is Forge and play Nondual's Custom Games and that's it. FFFFUUUUUU I want them to show new Reach info so I can have something to look forward to.
Well, considering I don't have my Xbox at the moment, nothing. lol. I might pick up my Bass guitar and practice a little bit or have friends come over but that's pretty much it.
Stewart, do you really think I give a ****? Besides, the word ****** in today's society is defined more as a 'stupid person' than it's classical, racist usage. I hang out with a **** load of African Americans everyday and they don't have a problem with it (trust me, they call other people niggers all the time. It's bad ass) because it's more commonly used as a synonym for a 'stupid person,' as I previously stated. Anyone telling me to not use it is denying my rights to free-speech, therefore I will say it anyway.
I got an infraction for calling some newfag trash a newfag for attempting to make a new meme without even knowing how those ****ing meme's work. You know what the best part is? It was in the OFF TOPIC FORUM. Five bucks if you guess who gave it to me. I'll give you a hint: his name starts with 'i', ends with 'Raynne', and rhymes with 'stupid ******.'
Renders have been rendered from a stock, so they have a transparent background. Stocks have the original background, so a halo screenshot would be a stock, and a halo render would be just the character on a transparent BG.
We don't have 7th Grade for two more weeks and my school resets your status (Regular, Honors) every year so i have to "Regain" Honors
Because, on a website where the proper form of communication is writing, grammar and spelling are important. Besides, when you write something with proper grammar opposed to "hai guise thes map r teh suxz0rz" you tend to be taken more serious than if you were to write like the latter. Oh, and I'm grounded from my xbox 'til Tuesday so I don't have it. D:
I love how I'm pretty much the only person who actually says what they think and doesn't care about the rules or the language they use. ****'s so cash.
I can also see what you said. There is no reason to continuously act in that way. If they continuously do so, be the bigger person; forget it.