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Sep 13, 2008
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Ancient, from Somewhere in Neverland

Senior Member
Dow was last seen:
May 8, 2020
    1. ehand88
      No worries. I will probably run some more tests soon so if you wanna check it out just let be on the lookout.
    2. Roche178
    3. Scobra
      Same here. MW2 is going to rape. That Flag Runner video sold me. I'm definitely going to get it.
    4. Scobra
      Yeah, everybody's turned into an elitist ****** on Halo. All I do on Halo is Forge and play Nondual's Custom Games and that's it.

      FFFFUUUUUU I want them to show new Reach info so I can have something to look forward to.
    5. Scobra
      Well, considering I don't have my Xbox at the moment, nothing. lol.

      I might pick up my Bass guitar and practice a little bit or have friends come over but that's pretty much it.
    6. Master Debayter
      Master Debayter
      It's ok, thanks for doing that BTW.
    7. Master Debayter
      Master Debayter
      Edit your post! That's a spoiler bro common.
    8. Scobra
      Stewart, do you really think I give a ****?

      Besides, the word ****** in today's society is defined more as a 'stupid person' than it's classical, racist usage. I hang out with a **** load of African Americans everyday and they don't have a problem with it (trust me, they call other people niggers all the time. It's bad ass) because it's more commonly used as a synonym for a 'stupid person,' as I previously stated. Anyone telling me to not use it is denying my rights to free-speech, therefore I will say it anyway.
    9. Scobra
      I got an infraction for calling some newfag trash a newfag for attempting to make a new meme without even knowing how those ****ing meme's work. You know what the best part is? It was in the OFF TOPIC FORUM.

      Five bucks if you guess who gave it to me. I'll give you a hint: his name starts with 'i', ends with 'Raynne', and rhymes with 'stupid ******.'
    10. loshon
      Renders have been rendered from a stock, so they have a transparent background. Stocks have the original background, so a halo screenshot would be a stock, and a halo render would be just the character on a transparent BG.
    11. loshon
      Ha ha, yup.

      But 2 posts not including GnA.
    12. GR4V3mind117
      We don't have 7th Grade for two more weeks

      and my school resets your status (Regular, Honors) every year so i have to "Regain" Honors
    13. Scobra
      Because, on a website where the proper form of communication is writing, grammar and spelling are important. Besides, when you write something with proper grammar opposed to "hai guise thes map r teh suxz0rz" you tend to be taken more serious than if you were to write like the latter.

      Oh, and I'm grounded from my xbox 'til Tuesday so I don't have it. D:
    14. Scobra
      I love how I'm pretty much the only person who actually says what they think and doesn't care about the rules or the language they use. ****'s so cash.
    15. Gollygeeanelite
      Hey, you changed your name?
    16. STWOW
      YOU ASSHOOOLE!! took me off your friends list just because I hadn't played in 3 Weeks!
    17. What's A Scope?
    18. What's A Scope?
      What's A Scope?
      Okay, but try not to be offensive.
    19. What's A Scope?
      What's A Scope?
      I can also see what you said. There is no reason to continuously act in that way. If they continuously do so, be the bigger person; forget it.
    20. What's A Scope?
      What's A Scope?
      Do you know how many of your posts/vm's are reported?