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Sep 30, 2016 at 9:15 PM
Jan 28, 2009
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Ancient, Male, from Seattle, WA

Senior Member
FryTheSly was last seen:
Sep 30, 2016
    1. Soldat Du Christ
      Soldat Du Christ
      Dude change your pic, it looks like a big ass **** from wierd angles
      1. FryTheSly
        LOL crocs will be crocs
        Jul 14, 2016
    2. Pegasi
      No it wouldn't. A new decade starts at the end of the 10th year because the end of the 10th year means that 10 full years have passed, think about it. If you're staying somewhere for 10 days, do you stay until the end of the 9th day/beginning of the 10th? No, you wait until the 10th day has finished, because then you've stayed for 10 full days. The same is true of years, thus a decade.

      Again, look at year 1. The first year was year 1 (NOT year 0, there WASN'T a year 0), the second year was year 2, the third year was year 3, the fourth was year 4, the fifth was year 5, the sixth was year 6, the seventh was year 7, the eighth was year 8, the ninth was year 9. Therefore, by the end of the 9th year (and the start of the 10th year), only 9 full years had passed, the years 1 through 9, thus it wasn't a full decade. Once the 10th year had finished (in our situation, once the year 2010 has finished, since it is the two thousand and tenth year), the decade will be finished. Get it now?
    3. Pegasi
      That's the point, no one disputes that a decade is 10 years, that's pretty obvious. The point is that the first year in our date system was year 1, thus the first ever decade was the years 1-10, and the decade ended at the end of the 10th year, start of the 11th. Add 2000 years to that example and you'll see what I'm getting at.
    4. Pegasi
      I saw your post in the Site Update thread and just wanted to check: are you saying the new decade does begin at the end of '09/start of '10, or that it doesn't?
    5. Conkerkid11
      Nobody wins. I was wrong about there being no weapons or spawns on the map. I just checked it out, and found the spawns and weapons. It turns out he took pictures of the map before placing the spawns and weapons. But that still doesn't mean my judgement about the map being easily broken is incorrect. You based your criticism off of opinion. I based my criticism off of observation.
    6. Conkerkid11
      ... I give up. You're bringing up the same point over and over again. Even though it is false... There is no reason for me to continue wasting my time with you. Good day sir!
    7. Conkerkid11
      Once again... My post is giving him criticism that he can use to fix up his map. Your post on Castle Crashers was giving me criticism that wasn't criticism at all, but instead was your opinion. Good day to you sir, there is no way you can win...
    8. Conkerkid11
      You wanna know the difference between my post and yours AGAIN? Once again, my post doesn't say anything like "From looking at the pictures, I don't like the looks of it, and I'm not going to download it." I actually quite like the design, and the forging on his map. The ONLY thing that I judged about the map was that it had no spawns on it, and that there were no weapons on it. It was also breakable. THREE THINGS THAT CAN BE EASILY JUDGED BY LOOKING AT THE PICTURES! I was mad because you said you didn't like how Castle Crashers LOOKED. Not that there was anything wrong with the spawns, not because there weren't any weapons on it, not that it was breakable, but because YOU DIDN'T LIKE HOW IT LOOKED! This is why I said you were defending your point with nothing. Because you are... I have a right to post what I posted, and to me, my post is the only post on his map that actually has criticism.
    9. Conkerkid11
      That is the exact quote from you towards my map. You're saying I went off on you for the same reason you went off on me. But there is a difference between my post and your post. My post is made up of criticism. Yours is made up of hate, and nothing about the map. This is Forge Hub, and there a rules here. Those rules state that in a map thread your post must consist of at least one statement being made directly towards that map. Something so direct that it would not be able to be copy and pasted onto another map thread. Your post consists of nothing about the map. And is merely a statement being made towards me regarding the criticism I gave. I'm surprised you haven't been Banned from Forge Hub yet Darksoullll... You are a very lucky fellow to not have two brand new infractions from that one single thread, because in my eyes, every single one of your posts is infraction worthy. I DO NOT HAVE TO PLAY HIS MAP TO KNOW THAT THERE ARE NO SPAWNS AND THAT IT IS BREAKABLE!!!
    10. Conkerkid11
      Tisk tisk... Your nonsense ramblings make no sense. You're trying to defend your point with nothing. No matter how many times you say "You didn't play the map, you can't judge!" I'm pointing out things that I can tell by just taking a 3 second glance at the pictures. There are no spawns, and that is a SOLID FACT. There are no weapons, and that is a SOLID FACT. I don't care how you say it. What you said on my map thread was completely different. I thought we had settled this fight long ago, but apparently you don't know when to quit.

      "well MAYBE dont write a whole fricken story bud.
      come on now? seriously who has the time to read your whollllllllllllle thing
      sorry but once again:
    11. Conkerkid11
      Was the gameplay video for Synapse helpful at all?
    12. MASTER016
      hey man can u go check out my map and post what u think of it the map is extinction in the competitive section
    13. CC Pybus
      CC Pybus
      Thanks for taking an interest in my map can you add CC Pybus on XBL, i could use someone to help me with ideas, and you have given loads of good feedback so far.
    14. MichMaster32
    15. whiizzle
    16. whiizzle
      im kiddin:)
      people are just getting mad at you, i didnt mean it, i dont even like know you...all i know is that you have really done a lot here at forgehub since your join date, and your rank is growing fast.
    17. whiizzle
      yeah *****
    18. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      yes you have, all you say is it doesn't look good and your not going to download it
    19. Star iz Legiit
      Star iz Legiit
      Hey I seen what the cheat wrote down there, you have been writing the same thing in every post, and you need to stop now or you will get infracted
    20. The Cheat
      The Cheat
      Yes...yes you should've had a V-8.
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    Seattle, WA
    Forge and music are my two main interests. My sound cloud for the music I make is:

    Music, Forge, Women