Shock Theta
Last Activity:
Jan 17, 2019 at 6:54 AM
Dec 3, 2007
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London, UK

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Shock Theta

Father of 4chub, from London, UK

Forge Critic Senior Member
Shock Theta was last seen:
Jan 17, 2019
    1. halosavior
      Hey I start college tomorrow and I feel like this is going to limit my online time significantly. My clan has already gone into hibernation from doing machinima; the only exception is my project, but we are still working out the kinks as most of us are in college. I think it would be a wise decision to hold off on our project considering I have college, you have your 1v1 tournament to get through, and it'll give us time to really refine some things. Just letting you know.
    2. Icecikle
      what ever happened to the super secret forgehub top theme thready thingy?
    3. ScarFac3d
      I edited my post int the 1v1 thread. I'm going to have to forfeit =( I've got way too many things to do before next week to care about Halo, lol. =)
    4. Limie
      hey shock my fh name is limie and i have changed my gt from KoN ART1ST x to zRuSHH if u could update that in the winners backet 2 of the conflict tourney im facing lotza bars
    5. What's A Scope?
      What's A Scope?
      Anything I need to know?
    6. Agamer
      I'm confused as to why I have the ability to give infractions in Gaming Discussion. I reported a post in Gaming Discussion, because I knew that I couldn't infract in that specific area, then when the page reloaded I in fact do have the ability to do so.

      I just realized that that I can infract in any board, yet I don't think it's neccessary for me, since Guardians are supposed to stick to the Map forum and off topic. I don't know if this is a mistake though.
    7. halo kid
      halo kid
      hate to be a bother,but can I get my name changed to "halo teen the flargelblargingsuperheroofyourdreamswinly"....or just halo teen. what ever you choose.
    8. Playerhata27
      Just notifying you, is no longer active. Being it's one of our affiliates, I just thought you should know.
    9. RedNeck
      I forgot to mention I am a Boy Scout with many honors. I am a Life Scout working on Eagle, I am in the Order of the Arrow (Brotherhood of Scouting) and I am the leader of my troop. All of which takes extensive leadership skills
    10. Zanitor
      Sleep is for the weak.
    11. R0FLninja
      wai harro there winsock

      i long 4 FR acception
    12. Zanitor
      haha I see. Also pwn't, but get online, or skype?
    13. Zanitor
    14. SargeantSarcasm
      I have something epic to tell you and you keep dillydallying around!
    15. RedNeck
      Allrighty, thanks. :)
    16. SargeantSarcasm
    17. SargeantSarcasm
    18. Transhuman Plus
    19. RedNeck
      Hey, any updates on my Merging Guide? Don't worry, I realize you are porbably very busy with the 1v1 Conflict Tournamnet
    20. SargeantSarcasm

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  • About

    London, UK
    Shock Theta
    Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody is perhaps the most famous Auror of modern times, single-handedly responsible for capturing numerous wizard criminals. He is also said never to have killed his quarry - even when permitted to do so - unless he had no other choice. Moody's face is badly scarred and he has lost several body parts, including his left eye, right lower leg and part of his nose whilst fighting Dark wizards.