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May 8, 2020 at 4:31 PM
Sep 13, 2008
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Ancient, from Somewhere in Neverland

Senior Member
Dow was last seen:
May 8, 2020
      WTF do you even 2pac are Eazy-e
      Eazy-e and 2pac realist Rappers THERE WAS
    3. Eyeless Sid
      Eyeless Sid
      lol "triple kill" Im mad that the elimination game is closed until the new maps. he should of just added them later on
    4. thesilencebroken
      Calling me Lars Ulrich isnt very appreciated either.
    5. thesilencebroken
      arguing, no. trying to enlighten and teach, yes.
    6. thesilencebroken
      No need for the blind ignorance and stupid comparisons.
    7. thesilencebroken
      Thats because you're an ignorant ****.

      Now instead of wasting more time talking to you and that idiot brain of yours, Im going to go cook some steak.
    8. thesilencebroken
      File sharing would be fine, if lazy ****s like yourself used it for sampling, rather than owning. In fact, Ive used it to spread our music. I dont even see where my band came into this conversation. We havent even released a cd to steal yet.
    9. thesilencebroken
      Your logic is flawed horse ****. If you liked the music enough, you'd get it somehow. There are events in life where you ask for things and people buy them. I was 14 once before too, and if i wanted something, i found a way to get it eventually.

      Furthermore, the argument heavily weighs on 18+. They have jobs, can afford the ****, and SHOULD be buying it. However, that doesnt mean its okay for young kids to just download away cause they are broke. When you're 25 and trying to make a future for yourself and possibly a loved one by doing something you love, and everyone doesnt pay you, let me know how you like it from that side of things.
    10. thesilencebroken
      Im not even talking about "underground" bands. Im talking full on signed artists. Artists that are on the SAME record label as bands like Slipknot and ****. I watch them stare at tip jars at their merch tables to feed themselves. I watch them cancel tours because their only vehicle brokedown and they cannot fix it. I also watch them disband because theres just no making a decent living out of it. I meet them, and on some occasions, become friends with them. I see this from an inside view, and Im ****ing tired of young kids who dont know anything about the subject matter bitching because they cant get free ****.

      Sure major bands and hip hop artists are rich. Hip hop has always had a huge profit margin... But tell me when the last time a band from the last few years became "Metallica-Rich". Exactly.
    11. thesilencebroken
      You're ****ing 14. Go meet some nationals who arent Metallica, talk to them. Watch them on tour and THEN come talk to me when you might know what you're talking about. Cause right now, you know jack **** about the music business other than the glamorous lives of the top 40.
    12. thesilencebroken
      Next time, try sounding a little less like you own the place. The forums are for you to leave your advice and feedback... not a place for you to virtually rip apart a map because you dont agree with someones choice.

      Oh, and while you're at it, go play One Flag on default Avalanche and let me know how it goes with the SCORPION vs WRAITH, and the 3 KINDS OF EQUIPMENT.
    13. Scobra
    14. Scobra
    15. Scobra
    16. Scobra
    17. Scobra
    18. Scobra
    19. Scobra
    20. Scobra
      kelsey katastrophe, drunk story for joey, joey (184315392)
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    Somewhere in Neverland
    Burning bridges
    Down with the bourgeoisie


    He thought it was safe. He died. Injecting marijuanas; not even once.