Twilight GN0ME
Last Activity:
Feb 23, 2013 at 7:21 AM
Sep 2, 2008
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Sheffield, Yorkshire, England
Student (Games Design Course)

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Twilight GN0ME

Ancient, from Sheffield, Yorkshire, England

Senior Member
Twilight GN0ME was last seen:
Feb 23, 2013
    1. Nobody Worthy
      Nobody Worthy
      Not too shaby. Gameplay seemed fair for the most part. I liked the church and the rooftops the most though.
    2. The Moran
    3. painfuldan
      sad face your offline any way if read this before i go on xbox tomorrow i got peolple to act in the story bord u just need to explain the story bord behind (stran 57) and i can start puting it to gether that all ummmmmmm happy face
    4. Crippled Hobo
      Crippled Hobo
      I don't really think there's anything more you can do to improve it :P It all works perfect in my opinion!

      And those song choices are great lol. Tubhumping would work best though I think xD
    5. Twilight GN0ME
      Twilight GN0ME
      Yay Faultless feedback ^^

      I hope the others are good feedback too!


    6. Kidbomber
    7. Kidbomber
      not sure. Testers are becoming lazy and **** and never post feedback anymore (if not only somtimes). Try going to the people who signed up and ask them why they haven't. If they give you problems just PM and ill deal with it.
    8. SmokinWaffle
      PM me the details of the video, it must be EXACTLY how you want it, put it on your FileShare, I'll render and upload it to Youtube for you.

    9. painfuldan
      hi gnome how do i add u
    10. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      I'm not, I'm sure they will message you soon.
    11. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Thanks for the update.
    12. X5
      Sorry, I've been struggling lately with some stuff. I'll look over your message again, though I think I can't help too much since school is starting up soon, and I have summer work to get done.
    13. Twilight GN0ME
      Twilight GN0ME
      I'm going now too XD right I'll talk soon; if you havent got my message over live, would the rest of the VIRUS STRAIN 57 map pack be included within this, and also, the version of the map I assume you have seen is old. You need to see the latest version which has all bugs fixed.
      I will be free until 2pm (GMT) tommorow, since I am seeing the hangover before going out and getting trashed and inevitably having a hangover of my own.

      Feel Free to contact me on it half an hour after I post this message via forgehub; I will be remainining online.



    14. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      Haha, I JUST got off, bad timing :P I'll be on in a bit later
    15. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      I will be in a few moments, having a shower then I'll be on.
    16. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      May I put Rooftops in Blood fires pick?
    17. Mr Pokephile
    18. Mr Pokephile
    19. Twilight GN0ME
      Twilight GN0ME
      This Sunday will be possible. I will have severe sleep deprivation, but also by then I should have a shiny new map in development, which is as unique as anything else so far. (To find out more discuss in private chat)
    20. nitrotomato
      Agh...sorry. None after that for maybe a month. I'm going on holiday. There may very possibly be one next week, but I'm not sure yet. There is also one this Sunday as well.
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  • About

    Sheffield, Yorkshire, England
    Student (Games Design Course)
    Twilight GN0ME
    I am Alex Johansson, a student who is currently studying games design. I have been designing game concepts for numerous years, and currently now have a growing portfolio of at least 7 games. Forge has provided me the opportunity to make some of these ideas a reality. With some luck and support, my maps should go somewhere. Thanks and enjoy the maps! Let me know about any improvements I can make on my work.

    Rock Climbing, Biking, Basketball, Designing Games, Surfing and of course, Playing Games.

