Pegasi r a pretty cool guy, who doesn't afraid of anything. Plus it's his birthday. So happy birthday brew.
Yeah, Novak and Martin deserve so much more credit than they get. Even on their trailer, people said it was average because the quality was bad.
I know,my activy has skyrocketed,its like a rennessaince for forgehub and me,I just became interested again.
I'm also going to be helping out Novak capture for his montage because he's submitting it for the H3F Movie Competition 2 and believe it or not, there are a lot of people who judge the quality of montages off of their quality. Even FBWalshyFTW wouldn't accept Novak and Martin's montage for his channel because of the quality. Their gameplay is just amazing and it would be unfortunate if they didn't win because of their capturing quality.
Hey, Peg. I'm looking into the Hauppauge HD PVR capture card that you have and I'm wondering if there are any extra cords or something that you need to get other than what come with the capture card.
I'm kind of looking forward to Walshy's pre-game speech.... I wonder what he'll have to say about FB this time, lol. I think FB will definitely win though. Carbon might win a game or two, but I think overall FB is the better team and they'll probably come out on top.
the way i rationalize it is: if i wasnt lazy as ****, someone else wouldn't have something to do in their boredom.