uF HaVoK
Last Activity:
Jul 5, 2011 at 9:28 PM
Nov 13, 2008
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May 23, 1988 (Age: 36)
California... SexLife: Active
Lifeguard (seksy right?)

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uF HaVoK

Ancient, from California... SexLife: Active

Senior Member
uF HaVoK was last seen:
Jul 5, 2011
    1. SargeantSarcasm
      Ah. He was being arrogant and was attacking another member (sure he was attacked first but he also attacked someone who jumped in to mediate) so meh.
    2. SargeantSarcasm
    3. Matty
      I <3 Your Sig.
    4. PhantomBishop
      You got it cause you're good? that's cool.
    5. PhantomBishop
      that's sweet! How did you get it?
    6. The EAKLE
      The EAKLE
      I got a summer job so im not on too often. My Brother just got back from college and the fair was this week so i was barely on.

      I've got like 5 maps in the works right now. A few are almost done, some just need spawns and weapons, and one is just a rough draft right now.

      What's the map like?
    7. The EAKLE
      The EAKLE
      I dont think so. I hit 100 friends last night and cleaned up my list today, so you might want to check. Im pretty sure i kept you on.
    8. The EAKLE
      The EAKLE
      OMG iTz Havok!

      How's it going?
    9. PhantomBishop
      hey HaVoK, do you really have recon like in ur signature? If you do that's kick ass!
    10. The Cheat
      The Cheat
      thank you for believing me.
    11. ducky buddy
      ducky buddy
      Ok, thanks i am sticking to lone wolves atm I also going to get my friend to come over so he can tell show me how he plays and then let me try his techniques. I'm still trying to learn how to use a br as good as he does and so he's gonna show me :)
    12. NOV3D
      Can you check out my map Conker EVO
    13. ducky buddy
      ducky buddy
      how hard is it to become a general at only around 700 skill? I want to attempt it, but I got a looong way to go. My friend told me team slayer can work too pretty well, it only took him 3 days to get from 22 to 45, but Lone Wolves, is each game you win 1st you either level up or get really close to the next level. Which one should I do??
    14. Canadians360
      Hey I took your advice can you check out my v2 map and tell me what you think I added more cover asthetics and cut down on the weapons and cut out the trip mines and more. Contortion V2 :)
      Srry wrote wrong map name my b
    15. Canadians360
      Hey I took your advice can you check out my v2 map and tell me what you think I added more cover asthetics and cut down on the weapons and cut out the trip mines and more. Cluster V2 :)
    16. PhantomBishop
      ya my brother used to be ranked 15 in the world for h2. he was on chicago's best mlg team.
    17. PhantomBishop
      general i'm on an mlg semi-pro team. I don't know, but your name sounds familiar.
    18. PhantomBishop
      i think i met u on xbl. but i'm not totally sure.
    19. PhantomBishop
      hey what's up?
    20. chompa07
      i just want to say thanks for taking the time out to have a look and comment on my maps, seeing that you're the only one helping me haha
      but yea thanks again, all your comments are helpful to me and i appreciate it :)
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  • About

    May 23, 1988 (Age: 36)
    California... SexLife: Active
    Lifeguard (seksy right?)

    Don't even pay attention to my join date. OR my rank on the website, I've been on this site for longer than that, but i was just a guest :). Anyway, I am a 50 in doubles and working on others lol. Plus, I Freaking Love forging, so add me and we can forge sometime or play some MM

    Sleeping <3


    i <3 Bipolar people