Apple s4uc3
Last Activity:
Mar 24, 2011 at 7:28 PM
Oct 6, 2008
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sewers of Texas
To help people test maps and to do tgif partys

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Apple s4uc3

Ancient, from sewers of Texas

Senior Member
Apple s4uc3 was last seen:
Mar 24, 2011
    1. AtlasIsShruggin
      Thank you for taking a look at my map and making suggestions! I've taken many of the suggestions and created a newer version of the map. Screenshots of the changes are at the bottom of my Map's post and all links will take you to the updated map. I'd appreciate it if you would take a second look and let me know how you feel about the changes!

    2. MeNaCe x TIGER
      MeNaCe x TIGER
      yeah sure, what kinda sig do you want?
      Like size...give me a stock or a render or like a theme to work with.
    3. Apple s4uc3
      Apple s4uc3
      I cant talk and im not banned from anything!
    4. MeNaCe x TIGER
      MeNaCe x TIGER
      hey i saw that your waiting for some guy to make you a sig...i could make one for you if you told me exactly what you wanted, i am decent at making them, i just made my own and a few others if you wanna look at my current one..message back!
    5. Awkward Silence
      Awkward Silence
      Please stop necroposting. If you don't know what that is, I'll tell you: Whenever you post on a thread, it gets knocked to the top of the list, right? Well, if a map is old, then you're not supposed to post on it anymore, because we need to have room for new maps to be at the top of the list. So, if the last post on a map was between 3-4 weeks ago, don't post on it, because it's old, and everybody's seen it already. Anyway, you posted on this map, and the last post on it before yours was in NOVEMBER. The thread is dead. Delete your post before the moderators see it, else you will get an infraction. Just a heads-up. You can delete your post by selecting Edit, at the bottom right-hand corner of your post, then click Delete this Message, and click Delete. Okay?
    6. Apple s4uc3
      Apple s4uc3
      What did I do?
    7. Apple s4uc3
    8. Conkerkid11
    9. Apple s4uc3
      Apple s4uc3
      My gamertag is apples4uc3 and i help people test maps and do partys and i am with tgif v.
    10. Boydeh ..
    11. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      okay .. i'll try ...
    12. Boydeh ..
      Boydeh ..
      If you use the pic as a sig it would be too big ..
      im talking about your request in my sig shop btw ..
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  • About

    sewers of Texas
    To help people test maps and to do tgif partys
    I am with Tgif v.

    football and other sports.