Awkward Silence
Last Activity:
Oct 18, 2020 at 8:38 PM
Jan 17, 2008
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Awkward Silence

Ancient, Male

Senior Member
Awkward Silence was last seen:
Oct 18, 2020
    1. squidhands
      Thanks, man. I can't take sole credit for the idea (originally it was a BR in another forum), but I did make it on my own with GIMP.
    2. Kidbomber
      Again like i said on the thread, i'm open when ever so just msg me when your online.
    3. chrstphrbrnnn
      He didn't refuse to play if you only offered him on single day to play. If you were away, that's unfortunate, but the round ends on Sunday's at 5pm est. If both players have attempted to schedule a game before this, and cannot get together until Sunday evening, the game counted. Since you were unavailable all week, you were not able to put forth the correct amount of effort. A random generator chose him..since neither of you were able to play. If you want to further it, take it up with shad0w, but you should have brought this up last evening, and not on round 2 beginning. I fear you won't have much luck.
    4. R0FLninja
      Outcast (formerly known as Epsilon - 3037) is now posted.
    5. AceOfSpades
      Oh, just go to Epsilon on the competitive maps. I don't know why the link didn't work.
    6. AceOfSpades
    7. Debo37
      Screenshots, maps, gametypes, and films. So everything. XD
    8. Debo37
      The Cutting Edge is a custom content group on that I administrate. In picking a tag for the tag and release, urk inadvertently picked a group tag. "The cutting edge" has been tagged over seven thousand times because it's our group's tag, and we apply it to all content that has been posted to our forum. It was almost as if urk was advertising our group! XD
    9. Loscocco
      Hey- I came up with a possible solution for your ODSZ map. Its on your preview thread. Try it out and see if it works.
    10. Youtuber
      Hiding from me eh?

    11. Youtuber
      Woah, that was wierd. Got on right when you said that.

      Um, let me go mow the lawn, then in about 30 minutes we will 1v1 kay?
    12. Youtuber
      OH you are ****ing on.

      "I owned you in a 1v1" (o--\/--0)
    13. Youtuber
    14. Youtuber
      Lose. Bettar?


      Also, we gon play rite now?
    15. Youtuber

      Gotta start training for that 1v1 tourney.

      You had better not loose. BTW, what people should I be the most worried about, if you've gotten around.

      I know Shannon, and Roche, but others?
    16. MaxSterling
    17. MaxSterling
      Yeah, there's a learning curve to get into the teleporter, but it's hilarious when you know how to achieve it and watch others fail. We've had many games watching each other get around the track, only to mess up at the very end. Nobody's ever gotten sniped off the column on the way up, but we've seen people bounce over the platform to their death, people fall through the middle of the platform, we've even had one guy splattered by a column. We all had a good laugh about that one. I knew that the column thing was gonna be an issue, which was why I mentioned it in my thread and showed a pic. Once people start learning about it, it will no longer be an issue. All my friends know this trick and we just laugh at each other's failures.

      If you want to try to make it a little easier to get further around the course, adjust the game type so the alpha zombie no longer has unlimited ammo. This way they need to get more ammo every 12 shots.
    18. MaxSterling
      Have you gotten a chance to try out my map/gametype for SideWinder yet? You never got back and told me what you think of SideWinder after trying it out.
    19. Running Chron
      Running Chron
      lmao, nice find.. I use to be a mythic *****
    20. xSharpshooter94
      idk but they want it one
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