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Jan 7, 2010 at 1:52 PM
Aug 3, 2009
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Michigan, United States
Gamer Girl

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Ancient, from Michigan, United States

Senior Member
MLG was last seen:
Jan 7, 2010
    1. Insane54
      Haha, that's for official stuff only, sorry. I'll see if I can get it in the Site Update or something, plus I'll make something and that should attract some more people.
    2. Insane54
      I'll see what I can do, but stop spamming.
    3. RaBBiiTTT
      You informed Huntar that you posted in the shop but not me? :(
      Ouch lol
    4. RaBBiiTTT
      Hold that thought! XD
      I finished your logo. Go check out the shop.
      I personally think mine's better than Zerosun's. I don't know lol
    5. RaBBiiTTT
      Oh crap. Never mind :(
      I thought I was the only one you asked to do this sadface

      Zerosun's is better than mine anyway
    6. RaBBiiTTT
      Xena, the spartan helmet image you gave me is a .gif file
      I need a png file because it just wont work with .gif file
    7. Silent oo death
      Silent oo death
      i decided not to boost
    8. Silent oo death
      Silent oo death
      nah, hey do you want to boost to 50 together? I'm willing to do it in dubs, slayer, or MLG
    9. Dow
      the picture is still me though, i like dressing up like a girl and putting on wigs.
    10. Dow
    11. Dow
      spoiler = [spoiler} [/spoiler}
    12. RaBBiiTTT
      Your sig is finished.
    13. 12 inch winner
      12 inch winner
      im sure allot of people wont think thats you i mean i dont doubt its you its just most people still beleive in the sterotypes about female gamers but to be honest i dont give a **** about any of that stuff i just think its cool theres more girls playing video games now.

      p.s. if you like forging on foundry check out my new user group.
    14. RaBBiiTTT
      I replied to the shop.
      Go check it out :D
    15. 12 inch winner
      12 inch winner
      yeah looks good. is that actually you?
    16. 12 inch winner
      12 inch winner
      well i hope your not trying to insinuate that i would send you any vulgar messages, because im not an asshole like that so you dont have to worry about me being immature but as for other people on this site i cant speak so highly of.
    17. 12 inch winner
      12 inch winner
      i was looking through the social groups and saw yours and was wondering are you the only "actual" girl on forgehub? because if you are your the only one that probably doesnt have a female as a avatar and seeing that you are a female thats ironic and if thats not ironic then i dont know what is!
    18. Huntar

      flr = filler
    19. Esorath
      Look, this is a halo forging forum...i cant tell them to stop talking about other things as they are entitled to do as they wish.
      you need some serious counseling, the loss of a relative is something serious to go through, my youngest brother barely survived lukemia...i would have been devestated had he passed considering he and i share the same birthday and are very close.

      killing yourself will certianly effect more people negativly than positivly. Even tho you may not see it right now. The fact that ur a gamer girl makes u cool anyway. And youll never get anywhere by killing urself.

      I suggest counseling, and if you want people to know your gamer skills, then practice and more practice is necessary. I am decent at best at gaming. But being remembered as the girl who killed herself isnt the way to go
    20. Youtuber
      I c.

      Sounds like a pretty cool job to me.
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  • About

    Michigan, United States
    Gamer Girl
    iTz iLukyshot
    Name: Bonnie
    Age: 19
    Sex: Female
    Occupation: Gamer
    Gamertag: Xena

    Gaming, Shopping, Forging