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Feb 27, 2022 at 7:17 PM
Dec 1, 2007
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Senior Member

No u Aug 21, 2019

Insane54 was last seen:
Feb 27, 2022
    1. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Yeah, will do.

      We've got a game scheduled for this Sunday on GMT time, but other than that there's nothing set fr the future. I'd love to play with those guys if possible, I suspect it'll be a bit late for me, but whoever we play they'll be great fun to get some games with.

      Sounds high stakes... which is interesting, because I've been thinking about a few gametypes in a similar style. We'll have to discuss, some variety for the map forums born out of our combined minds is needed imo
    2. InsaneFREAKBOY
      been waitin to catch u online...wanting to ask if the running riot possible humpday challenge with u guyz???how many players need?how do i go about it?etc...let me know...
    3. Roche178
      FML my mic broke even more now I can't hear anything! :(

      The little flappy thing on the slot where you insert the Optical Wire broke off and now it won't go in, makes me SUPER SADFAICE.
    4. Roche178
      OMG I called them they are sending a new wire, nicest customer service guy ever!
    5. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      teh lollorz!
    6. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      I'm heading home from work now, I maaaaay be on when I get back, but prob later in the evening when you'll be busy, no doubt. Hope you're having a good time btw man.
    7. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Lul. Creating it now, heading off to lunch though so not sure if you'll be around when I get back. Either way, we'll have that channel option in future if and when we're about. :)
    8. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Sounds like a good idea - a reasonable backup if skype isn't possible.
    9. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Damn... missed you. When you back from your hol?
    10. Kidbomber
      Hey Aaron we still up, for finishing Hanger 02 V3 when you come back?
    11. AqueousBeaver
      Definitely still a Lions fan... and unlike last year, I've got a pretty positive outlook for this season. I like the offseason moves, and am looking forward to seeing Stafford in action. PLAYOFFS!
    12. Kidbomber
      I have a writing typing where i never notice but i random capitalize words that seem Important so yeah lol.

      Thank you for reading and giving feedback, i appreciate it alot.
    13. Kidbomber
      Could you read this sometime insane id appetite it alot :)

      My Top 5 Favorite Halo 3 Mini-Games XQstudios Blog
    14. Kidbomber
      vv Downtown-ChinaTown :D
    15. Shanon
      If you're going in the tourney, you're going down!
      To china-town!
    16. Running Chron
      Running Chron
      omg... loyal?
    17. halo kid
      halo kid
      say,mind if i send you a friend request on xbox live? that is,when you get back from Israel.
    18. Shlbamobinladen
    19. Thorax tehGREAT
      Thorax tehGREAT
      How does one become Stra8 lolin
    20. Matty
      The closer to the equator you go the more regular the sun sets. So for half the year it would set earlier, and the other half later, in comparision to somewhere further north or south.

      Just thought you'd like to know.
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