Yea, to me they have absolutely no correlation. And if you want to say that, then i used to be good, then i joined forgehub, and forged, turned ****. Then i went back, did a montage, and i stopped playing until now. I duno, if i can be assed i might practice a bit.
Sorry thats not wat I meant a little misleading I was trying to say Map Desgin the structures Foundry has been out for quite a while now so I understand that peoples Ideas will clash but yea I kno the objects are far more different then Sandbox's objects color wise lol and shape
Lighthouses, fool. Think of it like this: if a new player is so stupid to where he cant figure out where red side/blue side is, they can just look around till they find some giant ass coloured structure. Plus, I really wanted to use the other lights.
Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about! Stranger: I'm from Venus, are you from Mars? You: I'm from Uranus. Stranger: ccrap. Your conversational partner has disconnected.
its his smile. I dare you to look at it for ten seconds without smiling/laughing. On the oother hand,where did you get it?
Ha well...I haven't really ever done anything on forge hub other than download maps...But I have put some posts because I need a sig!?!?