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13y 34w ago
Jul 3, 2009
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Senior Member
MattKestrel was last seen:
Jul 16, 2011
    1. Katanga
      I'll render up that video for you if you're fine with just SD quality. I like the idea of the map, and I'd be happy to aid you in the development of it. :)
    2. Psychoduck
      Matt, here's my reent screenshots: : Halo Reach : Recent Screenshots Psycho Duck
      Now do some cool stuff with 'em!
    3. Spicy Forges
      Spicy Forges
      Sweet-O's matey. Ill talk to stevo and see what he can do.
    4. Spicy Forges
      Spicy Forges
      I will def take up your offer of making a video. One problem is that I don't capture my own footage, stevo does it for me but if you are able to capture your own footage then all the better. :D.
      All you need to do is record at least 3 fly through clips and at least 4 gameplay clips. Make sure they are all under 30 seconds long. The more you have the better, its just that if you haven't got bungie pro we will need to keep in contact so I know what's captured and what isn't from your file share.
      Any questions just message me back.
    5. Stevo
      it'd probably be better if you added more spawn zones across the opposite side of the map. Alternatively, you could try do what bungie did in Halo 3 and cover half the map with one neutral respawn zone, and the other half with another. That way, if more of the enemy are around your primary spawn, you'll spawn at the other side of the map away from instant combat.
    6. Stevo
      Lol it's cool... I was trying to get to the ghost majority of the game. Xanon was kinda raping though... :|

      The biggest problem on that map was the respawning I think at the moment. You'll have to incorporate a way to allow the team's to "switch-sides" on the map.
    7. Stevo
      Thanks Matt.. couldn't have gotten it without you really as you've attended like 80% of my testing sessions :P
    8. Insane54
      I'm not sure...I may have forgotten. If I did, I'll post some stuff next time I have a little time.
    9. used man
      used man
      sure, I wish I had seen this earlier :/
    10. xX Prime x
      xX Prime x
      Thank you very much for helping out with my map
    11. Matty
    12. CaMOfo
      This post you posted is what we here like to call spam, don't do it.

      "It looks awesome, but the design looks a bit sloppy for my liking. Some interlocking would be nice :)
      But yeah, no denying the idea rocks."