i is indeed rare,only a small percent of this comunity is active,and only a small bit of that is under 13 :P
ohi,do you think it would be a good idea to start a top 10 series about forgehub? with catagories like "most merorable threads" and most thoughtfull posters"
You'd best get some Trittons in the next 18 days or so or you'll be getting a harsh tongue whipping when I get back on XBL ;D
BTW, we'er gonna get a .com for the blog whenever we think of a good name for it, and then we start doing it srsly
I try my best to steer clear of the debate section, for several reasons. A debate usually starts up with someone like me and you, then adds in two or three actual debtors. Then it goes down-hill and descends into a land of "nou"s and insult throwing. I also prefer to argue abstract ideas, and having to look up all my sources before I say something is quite aggravating. By no means am I saying that nothing I use in a debate is siteable, but I just prefer to argue the more non-concrete ideas and it's hard to site sources for those. Though I'm sure I would participate if you started the debate up.
I'd love to have a debate, but would it be considered spam to continue this in that thread? I'm being honest, it's been a while since I've had an organized intelligent debate with a clear speaking, thoughtful individual.