Yeah I thought that, and I have a kick ass gaming case in my garage that I bought and have had no use for, for like a year, so 'tis gonna be awesome. Times like this I'm glad I have a job.
Where did you see the 2.2GHz bit? I forgot about that >< I'd probably overclock it anyhow. And that is a lil smooth I must admit, not too bad though, how much was your card?
My captures should be much better, as I'm going to upgrade to this in a few days, so the it should all be gravy. What capture card do you use by the way? Your videos are quite clear.
Lol, I think I'm going to have to restrict my purchases. Forza, ODST and Mass Effect 2 are certs, others... we'll see.
I just remembered seeing the way you had something set up, the middle piece that goes in the crux of the "U". I'm making a map, and I can't think of anything. Definitely not saying I would have stolen it by any means. But I was hoping it could give me an idea.
I'll download and take a look, but I've got a friend of the gf's staying over today and tomorrow so skype and XBL time is non-existant in the evenings until Wednesday... :( Not too long though.
I can't really find anyone good at doubles and I'm stuck at a 38-40. D: And social doubles would be really nice if there weren't any boosters...
The song you used in your montage trailer seemed familiar but I couldn't put my finger on where I've heard it. But now I remember, it was in the Bourne Ultimatum credits. [YouTube - The Bourne Ultimatum End Credits Sequence]
Probably, but a perfection is decent in my book. I got an invincible and a rampage with my friend ShreddtroN in BTB yesterday too. We're a pro hog team. Invincible Rampage