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Feb 15, 2009
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sticking it to "the man"

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Ancient, from Chicago, Illinois

Senior Member
MaxSterling was last seen:
Oct 30, 2020
    1. Awkward Silence
      Awkward Silence
      Cool, nice update, I just read through it. I'll definitely check this out, and I promise I'll be quicker this time about getting back to you with my impressions. Now I wanna check out the new version!
    2. Awkward Silence
      Awkward Silence
      Well, I've gotten the chance to play it with 3 other people, but I was going to wait to write back until I got a good-sized game of 8 or more people to play it. I liked it a lot, though. :) The only thing people didn't like so far was how you had to put the Grav Lifts on the Damaged Columns to get to the teleporter at the end. A lot of people don't know that you can do that, so it was very confusing for some.
    3. Grif
      Well there are some people (aka pussies) who get offended by it and complain. Also I just like messing with people because some don't know about invisibility's limitations.
    4. Grif
      Oh and could you not call people pussies.
    5. Grif
      Going invisible doesn't keep everyone from seeing you...
    6. patt06snipe
      Ok. I'll dnld tmrw.
    7. patt06snipe
      Here is how it will work in the end.

      all human players spawn on first floor..
      after 90 seconds the first door will open. (when touched by a player of course)
      humans then run up to the second area of defense, which is up the fence stair way and into the area where the BR was and where the old second story door used to be. There will be a Sniper Rifle on a wall in that area.
      At 150 seconds into the game the second door, which is upstairs, will open and the remaining humans will run for their helpless lives to the Last Stand Area.

      Hopefully I can get this done relatively fast. (2 weeks at top)
      I can't get on xbox during the week days so only the weekend.

      Also, I think I am going to put up a notice on the original map post telling everyone that the V2 of the map is going to come out soon. I won't tell them how it will change I'll leave the current one up there for now.
    8. patt06snipe
      Hey man I can't view the video. Not a participant of the beta or something like that. I'll figure it out though......unless you know how I can view the video.

      For the v2 version I was thinking exactly what you were thinking...except I was going to moving the dumpster door that was upstairs to a different location upstairs for more room for the humans that make it up there. I would just replace the empty space where the dumpster door would originally be with a wall. I would then move the dumpster door close to the random weapon when the humans open the door they see the random weapon box right away. I'll draw up a sketch and show you what I will change and where things will be moved. I'll have it made for you on friday.
    9. patt06snipe
      Hey on my map, when you got out of it were you playing the gametype with it or just in forge or slayer?

      Also, the crate is supposed to be there.

      For the upstairs door, did the fence wall spawn at 60 or 90..or was it there at the beginning of the round? Remember all of this has to be when you are playing the game.

      V2 version will probly be on the way if these problems are true. If they are then I will probly fix them and put the new link up on friday.
      Now you are making me want to change the map to where the two levels are already connected at the beginning....What do you think would be best? I'd have to change a lot of stuff but it would be worth it I guess.

      Maybe use my original idea where all humans must last out on the bottom floor for say 2 minutes...then the door opens....again I would have to make it to where zombies could only access those windows for 2 minutes..then stairs or something spawns that allow zombies to get upstairs.
    10. Canadians360
      I was describing how to make a revolving levitating turret with a banshee and you can hold down hornets you need at least ten if I remember correctly. The floating banshee trick worked really well as an object of power to controll in the middle of a map never thought of it for an aircraft carier if you make a map like that be sure to let me know.
    11. Canadians360
      Ya I experimented with all those things it took all but six of the cups to finaly stop the banshee from getting away. Also main strucure objects such as walls and boxes are attracted to the tin cups. I'm glad you found my info helpfull and apreciate the feedback.
    12. Dow
      I would just like to say that your map shroomz tomb looks pretty nice. Congratulations.
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  • About

    Chicago, Illinois
    sticking it to "the man"
    Formerly - Shroomz

    Volleyball, drinking, cards, forging, playing infection games.

