Mr Ev
Last Activity:
Apr 3, 2011 at 2:31 AM
Jul 8, 2009
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Mr Ev


Senior Member
Mr Ev was last seen:
Apr 3, 2011
    1. ZOMBIECOW11
      Hello, please copy and paste the message bellow the dotted line and send it to as many regular positioned Forger's Guild members as posible.
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Hello, Guild member
      i am one of the three leaders at the Forger's Guild and i am here to ask you what position you'd like.there are no current spots avalible for another Leader, but there are a few left for the judge. there is almost all spots avalible for the testers, so if playing custom games is your thing then you should pick the tester position. Or if you like to create wierd stuff then you should be an experimentor.
      When you're ready to chose just post what rank you want and then we'll sort it out.
      NOTE:you may or may not get the position asked for. there may not be any avalible slots to fit you in to. if you don't like the position you get just send us a message and we'll change your rank.
    2. alextrer
      whats your gamertag
    3. alextrer
      mr ev. the forgers is going to update/create a site im just sending this message if you want to check it out the site name will be called
    4. alextrer
      ok my gamertag is alextrer yeah i know is a rare name but it came to my head the first. ; )
    5. alextrer
      the test will be on september i still dont know the date.
    6. alextrer
      ok you can be a map maker but first i will need to test you you have to now how to merge,interlock,and more stuff like isnpiration and always almost always good humor and a smiley face like this : ) (just kidding)
    7. alextrer
      hy mr ev i see your new on this so i think you should tell me whwt do you want to be on the group a tester a thinker or a map maker.
    8. mavrick145
      Hello guild member! would you like to have bragging rights and a sweet map pre-made and ready for you to own because i'm too cheap to collect my money together and buy you something? well if so then just join in on our guild's map contest going on untill August 22nd!

      -hope to see some great things from you, Mav
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    Mr Ev88