Hehe, you don't really want it. The RT and LS sometimes don't work. I was playing BF: Bad Company and I sometimes couldn't sprint, and when I could, I couldn't shoot. So...I may need to fix that in the morning. DAMN RUBBER CONTACTS.
Hey I just recently posted my map Vice in Competitive Maps and I'd appreciate it if you gave it a look! I'm trying to get it into matchmaking via Atlas, so I need all the feedback I can get. :) Thanks! -Debo
Ah thank you for comparing me to a well-respected psychologist. I did always think my gut instincts and overall feelings about people were pretty damn good...now I know!
Why would you be motherly if you didnt have some deep desire to be one? You could've said "caring father" but you opted for "motherly" interesting choice of diction.
I told you guys I was leaving! lol... oh well, no harm done really. I would do them now, but again... I have to leave. Kapura's been banned for now, so he can't do anymore damage. If you see shock online, please be sure to let him know. I saw him online, but he was offline within moments.