Btw, sorry the spotlight ended up taking so long. Once it was bumped, I decided to wait until what would have been a new spotlights spot, as the two would have been extremely close together. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed the "spotlight" :)
I live by a university. Might have heard of it :P. Its a lot of middle class, and not to be offensive or anything, but not alot of gangs or anything because of it. I signed up for MSN, Youtuber AND Youtuber1 were taken. Someones probably trollin around as me. Dang.
I didn't think there was a difference in danger. yeah, my dads in the military, stuff and secret stuff, so we used to have to move from place to place every three years. But then he quit, and that was the end of that. I just got back from white water, was the coolest thing I've done in a while.
Dangit. My teacher came up to me last year and was like, THIS close to a 500. I was like ok, um, thats great. Yeah, I'm supposed to be a sophomore, but I lived in germany at the time when I started school, and they make you start, no matter what age.
Yup. Was very, very easy. Well, I thought the class was aswell, but I think I got a few points away from a perfect. But that was in freshy year, I'm gonna be a junior. Exciting right?
No, it was just one of those days. Having to sit on a plane for 4 hours didn't help either. Actually lemme go see if I can find my dads laptop. Unless you would like to loan me a keyboard?