what makes it a valid religion? Someone just made that religion up and said, see, look how easy this is. Its not a real religion because it was made for the intents and purposes of making fun of other religions. And if you want to inform a mod, go ahead. Im not insulting you, im arguing.
To me it (pastafarian) is just a simple way to say, look how stupid your (christian) religion is, i can make up my own (pastafarian) . For your convinence i took out all those nasty implied words and worked out the sentance just for you. Because you just dont get it.
No its not you guys its just the argument. People bring it into the god debate every now and then and it makes me really mad. To me its just a simple way to say, look how stupid your religion is, i can make up my own.
I somewhat recall you and Kyle both being Cubes prior to that date. In fact, I thought you conformed to a Purple Cube one day after Kyle established the emblem. I could be wrong, though.
"Lmao. Win... Yeh, the god thing annoys me too, as I am a Pastafarian. **** you. Thats not even a valid argument"
How come you're having TPC Anniversary on the 27th of September? Weren't The Cubes founded on the 21st?
man its been awhile i forgot about this place lol, you still hang around here? im out of xbox live =[ but i havnt played in awhile anyway, i been lookin around and seein whats up and i really appreciate all these threads where you point out credit and stuff. anyways dude i can still send messages idk if you changed youre account but ill probly be around here more often again. peace
YouTube - Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer AC130 (Official HD) U can be the gunner of AC130 0:21, it says AC130 11 Killstreak Be the gunner of an AC130
i was flipping through halo charts,and learned that you are the 8th best prowler driver in the world. conggrats