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May 7, 2021 at 7:21 AM
Mar 20, 2008
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Senior Member
Hari was last seen:
May 7, 2021
    1. Loscocco
      lol, im reporting that rude post =P
      but yea, ill call u ova the weekend.
    2. Loscocco
      yes, but now i have more intel, i know now that it is easy to get skill 50 with low exp, and its pretty true, ive been commiting suicide 12 times, i still won games lol
      also, i never c u on live, where r u? cant play on school weeks?
    3. Loscocco
      good, that is all that i want.
      my xbox is back, and i got a free 1 month live, used it 4 the acc "HellsGearsClan" im gonna make it a general!
    4. Loscocco
      allright, i would wanna get photoshop, but it is just too much for my comp, it goes really slow allready, it cant take anything else'
      but for a photoshop, im asking if it is possible to make a picture of the emblem faded in the backround of a picture?
      o yea, and i got a sick new airsoft gun, M16 baby!!!
    5. Loscocco
      is that sig from starcraft? it looks like it-zurg or something...
      u think you could design a Hells Gears sig for me? because photoshop is too much for me. use like hells mercinary or something, make sure the emblem is in it (not black-red)
      like an idea would be hells mercinary with a faded emblem pic in backround, behind me.
    6. The Real KingLS2
      The Real KingLS2
      Yah no problem :)
    7. The Real KingLS2
      The Real KingLS2
      Dude ur sig is messed up i click on griefball and it takes me to aspiration,i click on aspiration and it takes me to griefball :3
    8. Loscocco
      hey,good job on aspiration, how long did it take? i voted awsome on it. but, you should get the unlimited budget now, it always becomes a problem, with the budget you could probably block off the middle next time
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